Chapter 6: Banana Eater

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We reached the extraction point, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. As I laid eyes on the aircraft helicopter that would carry us to safety, an unsettling realization struck me—Lucas was nowhere to be found. But even more distressing was the absence of my beloved yellow snack. Panic surged through me when a piercing scream pierced the air.


Could that be Lucas? Who had him? Who dared to snatch away my precious banana? My mind raced, grappling with questions and fears, but my instincts urged me to follow the sound of the scream.

"Brian, where are you going?" Linda called after me.

"I'm going after Lucas and my banana. Guard that helicopter!" I shouted, determination coursing through my veins.

I sprinted towards the source of the agonized cries, thoughts of Lucas fading into the background. The only thing that consumed my mind was the fate of my cherished fruit. If even a single bruise marred its perfection, I vowed to unleash my fury upon those who dared to harm it. Finally, my desperate rush led me to a meadow of withering trees and fragile flowers, and amidst the gentle rustling of petals in the wind, I locked eyes with Senior Joseph MacMurray—his name forever etched in my memory.

"Hand it over, MacMurray," I demanded, my voice laden with determination.

He met my gaze with a menacing stare, callously tossing Lucas aside, while my banana lay discarded at his feet.

"If you want that banana, then face me and prove your worth, you wretched creature," MacMurray taunted.

My anger welled up inside me, fueled by his insolence. "What did you call me? You squeak-sized, fart-brained, tiny-faced home-realtor!"

MacMurray's menacing grin betrayed his sadistic enjoyment of the imminent battle. "Your insults will only prolong the inevitable, Brian. Face me and meet your end!"

Tremors coursed through my body. This was a fight I was ill-prepared for. Unlike the previous adversaries, MacMurray possessed a storied history as a formidable soldier in World War II, aligning himself with the Allied powers. To overcome him, I would need to employ every lesson I had learned.

The battle commenced, and I gave it my all, unleashing a relentless assault upon MacMurray. But it seemed futile—each strike, every shot from my trusty Glock 19, he effortlessly countered. Moments of hope were fleeting, as he employed stealth tactics, gaining the upper hand. It felt as though he anticipated my every move, leaving me helpless.

"MacMurray... I... I can't defeat you," I admitted, my voice strained.

"Then you must try harder, or else I won't merely kill you. I will dismantle every Whole Foods family I encounter," he threatened.

Was it a bluff? I couldn't be certain, but it didn't matter. Whatever he said, however he taunted, it ignited a fire within me—a determination to fight on. Strangely, his relentless pursuit of my demise fueled my soul, propelling me forward. Each blow I landed on MacMurray felt like a triumph, as if I could take on the entire world.

"Just perish, MacMurray!" I shouted, unleashing my pent-up frustration.

"You'll have to earn my death, Brian!" MacMurray retorted, refusing to yield.

And so, I pressed on. Every blow delivered to MacMurray resonated with a sense of purpose, as if he were teaching me something, revealing some profound truth. Amidst the chaos, all I could think about was my burning desire to see him lifeless. Strangely, he became my twisted inspiration, and I wouldn't allow him to strip away all the hard work it took to reach this point. That banana represented my triumph—the culmination of facing countless adversaries, enduring unimaginable pain. I wouldn't let him steal it away. In the end, every punch I absorbed became my solace, and it only took a few more blows before I delivered the final, decisive strike.

"Will you yield now, MacMurray?" I demanded, panting heavily.

He crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. In a moment of desperation, I sucker-punched him in the throat, desperately attempting to save him from choking to death. But my efforts proved in vain, as I watched his life slowly slip away before my eyes.

MacMurray was dead, and the weight of his menace lifted. Weary but resolute, I could finally return home.

Brian J. Mullis In Operation Banana Eater DeltaWhere stories live. Discover now