Everything about the "Main" Story

189 1 8

This Update is going to be about the

Main Story

For this story. I am planning to cut them up into Seasons, Arcs and Chapters

I don't exactly have an exact amount of Seasons, Arcs, and Chapters finalized for this story. Everything is prone to change. But I think I have a solid idea for the Seasons and Arcs. Smaller Arcs will happen here and there with the main ones. But there is a Main Arc for each season. Which will be shown down below

These are scenes that I have currently planned for the story as a whole. These aren't exactly the finalized names for the arcs. These were just the categories i had them under for when I work on them.

Think of them as Titles for during that specific part of the story

They are prone to changing both in names, and in order of appearance. But for now. These are what I have in the works. Just need to be edited and written from A to B and we're golden

What is about to be shown will only be with 3 and 8. Since the majority of the people I have planned for this story haven't made their appearance yet. They have been edited because they may spoil some stuff. So I revealed enough. But still left things out. And some I won't show for that arc because a lot needs to be revealed for it to make sense.

This is my way of showing those that are interested what to look foward too

Season 1 Arcs

First 7 Days
I've said it in an earlier comment. And or maybe showed it During an Update. There is a planned "Timeskip" within this story. They spend time together for 7 Days. After the 7th. They part ways for a while

Each Day will have different events play out. As of this point in time. 3 days have passed. And the 4th is currently going on. What exactly happens during those days before the 7th day ?

3: It was a pleasure being able to take care of you 8. I-I mean. <name>

8: It's ok. I don't mind you calling me 8

3: It's just. I was so used to calling you 8 because <reason> So it doesn't feel right that I call you by a number when you have a name now

8: You don't have to force it right away. I'd just prefer you call me whatever would be easier for you

He begins to think of an easier way to call her name. So he thinks of a potential nickname

3: <other nickname> doesn't really cut it....how about <official nickname> ?

8: <nickname>....sure. I like it. It's still <name> in a way 😊

<more dialogue>

3: Hey. Cheer up. I'll still be around

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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