Aiding Rei and Fuyumi!

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      I stepped out of the car I built for mother and walked into the hospital. I waved to the staff as I made my way to the psych ward. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP THIS?!?! WHY THE FUCK DO I PAY YOU ALL THIS MONEY IF YOU LET THAT ICY BITCH LEAVE WITHOUT FIGHTING IT?!" Roared the number 2 hero Endeavor aka Enji Todoroki. I conceal my smirk as I watch the fire demon and the head of the psych department argue. I walk past them and stop at the nurses desk. She knows me and why I am here so she quietly hands me the papers and I sit down.
    After ten minutes of shrieking like a fucking banshee Endeavor leaves and the psych department head walks to me. "You better keep your word boy. I just cost this hospital so much money." He growls as I laugh. "You do realize thanks to me your hospital had enough funding for a hundred years yes?" I ask making him flinch and sigh. He nods and leaves as I walk to the door. I knock on it and the doors open. Standing there was the smiling Rei Todoroki who ran up and hugged me as Fuyumi sat on the bed blushing holding Rei's luggage. "Izu! Oh thank god it's you. I was so scared some other bastard like Enji got me transferred." I chuckled as I returned the hug. "As if Rei. I'd never let my promises to the two of you break. Yes Fuyumi I have room for you both." I said beaming a smile to the gorgeous pair. Fuyumi stood up and rushed to hug me too. "R-Really Izu-kun? You'll house me too?" She asked teary eyed. I nodded as I hugged the duo for a bit. "I promised to save you both from Enji and his rage. What kind of man would I be if I didn't keep my word?" I asked as we let the hug go.

     "Well now. Who is ready to vacate this place?" I ask and they both jump and smile. I chuckled as I led them to my car. "Holy shit! Is this yours Izu-kun?" Asked Fuyumi seeing the marvelous car. I nodded as I told them I had built it for mom last year. It was capable of reaching mach 4 and could change into various vehicles for land, sea, and air. They hopped in and we drove home. "Mom's happy that you two finally get to escape Enji's horrifying ways." I said and the two smiled bright as we drove. I think I may have forgotten something I meant to tell them. Meh oh well.

    As we pull into the driveway I finally remembered what I meant to tell them. "Oh yeah. I own the worlds largest support gear company and three other facilities worth billions. Meaning this mansion is mine." They were just staring open mouthed at the home all the way up until I pulled in. I exited the car and they slowly got out confused by everything. "Well. Let's head in and get you two situated." I said smiling as they slowly followed.

     After an hour or so we got the two their own rooms and were seated in the living room. " was your first day at UA Izu?" Asked Rei trying to make small talk. I sighed and told the duo I got expelled for being quirkless. They....did not take that well. Both were furious that I would get expelled on the first day and that Aizawa was so biased. I smiled as I thanked them for their words. "Oh and uhh I met Shoto. Gotta say he did not fall far from the tree. He's just as angry and spiteful as daddy flameface." Fuyumi groaned at that and nodded. "Enji got his hooks in pretty early with that boy. I tried to help but he's as arrogant as Enji. He truly thinks he is better than All Might." I laughed hard at that before I sighed. "Much as I hate that fraud I know Shoto and Enji aren't that good even without their attitude issues. Just hope the boy survives to see that even the top two heroes aren't worth mimicking. If not then in a few weeks you may be burying the boy." I said which shocked the pair.

     I told them about my info. That in the next few weeks the 1A class will be at USJ and attacked. I purposely refused to let UA in on the info. To let 1A see true hell on earth for their own eyes. If any students die that's their own fault I know what will happen. I then lead the girps to my lab. "This is what's going to let me stop the villains that attack USJ. As unless I miss my guess Ass Might and Shitzawa will die. From my info they created a monster built to kill Ass Might specifically." I say as I open a briefcase to reveal a fist sized mechanism. "This will grant me power beyond even the number one in his prime. With it I will show this society quirks aren't the answer to everything. With this creation I will make the world realize that anyone can be a hero. Anyone can save and protect. If I see Shoto in danger I'll try and save him but if not he's on his own." I said as I reached out and grabbed the device. "Wanna see it in action?" I asked with a smirk. Rei and Fuyumi looked nervous but smiled to each other and nodded. "Active Paladin's Wrath!" I shouted as I slammed the device to my chest. A brilliant flash of light erupted as they covered their eyes. When it died down I stood tall covered in a full bodysuit of armor everywhere but my face. The green and black armor was strong enough to withstand even All Might's strongest attacks and the armor had transforming properties. At any time I could modify it by thought alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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