Chapter 16

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Hello! I updated Chapter 13 because there was a whole part of the chapter that wasn't added. Thank you to that reader who pointed out my mistake since i wouldn't have noticed it until the story ends.
Severus had the best day of his life. He and James had continued talking until the sun began to set, and by the time they returned to Hogwarts, there were only a few students left in Hogsmeade.

Throughout the day, James would leave flirty comments, and Severus would flirt back, leaving him speechless. He found it amusing to make James flustered, so he kept teasing him.

They walked side by side, and though James wanted to hold his hand again, he hesitated, unsure if Severus would like it. So he kept his hands in his pockets, stealing glances at Severus instead. James couldn't help but smile, even though his cheeks were starting to hurt.

"You're not eating dinner?" James asked, concerned, as they reached the entrance to the dungeons.

Severus shook his head "I'm exhausted, and I just need to sleep"

"I'm sorry if I wore you out. I didn't realize how quickly time passed" James apologized, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It's nothing. I, and that's all that matters" Severus replied.

James smiled, feeling a sense of relief "Yeah, well, I had fun too. Thank you again for giving me this opportunity"

"Good night, James" Severus said, returning the smile before opening the door to the Slytherin dormitory.

James couldn't help but tease one last time "No kiss?" In response, Severus flashed him a middle finger, earning a chuckle from James "Okay, Good night!"

As Severus disappeared into the dormitory, James let out a happy yelp and jumped to his feet.

They had managed to have a successful date, and it hadn't turned into a complete disaster. He had talked about his family, quidditch, and his hobbies, and Severus had been there, listening attentively.

James had tried to give Severus a chance to talk about himself, but he only received a few words in response. He quickly learned that he wasn't fond talking about his life, and he respected that.

James made his way to the Great Hall and headed straight for the table where his friends sat, trying to avoid the stares he received from the students.

"The star of the day" Sirius began, looking up from his meal.

"Yeah, well, perks of being popular" James replied.

"I think it's because you were seen holding hands and eating ice cream with your rival" Peter chimed in, taking a bite of his cake.

"I'm courting him" James declared, casually grabbing a piece of bread and spreading butter on it.

Sirius dropped his utensils, his jaw hanging open, and Peter choked on his food, causing Frank to hurriedly hand him a pumpkin juice. The Gryffindors who overheard the conversation stared at James in shock. But James remained unfazed, calmly continuing to eat.

Marlene finally broke the silence with a surprised tone "Wow, I knew you were gay" James turned to her, who was beside Remus "Or at least..what do you call liking both men and women? I forgot the term"

"Bisexual, Mars, Bisexual" Mary interjected, and Marlene snapped her fingers, pointing at her.

"Ah! Bisexual. Though i didn't expect you to go running towards Snape.." Marlene gave James a bitter smile. She felt an overwhelming urge to crawl across the table and strangle him, but she held herself back, considering Lily.

Marlene glanced beside her, Lily, who seemed completely calm, eating her food as if she hadn't heard a thing. Marlene's fists clenched in frustration. She doesn't like seeing her being so nonchalant about situations that bothered her. James at least deserved a punch from Lily for throwing her away like garbage.

There was a heavy tension at the group, and James was starting to regret his decision. Not about Severus, of course, but about how he had chosen to reveal it. He wished he had waited until after dinner, when only his three friends could hear what he had to say.

He sensed that they felt the same way, as they remained unusually quiet. Sirius, who continued eating with a furrowed brow, and Peter, who kept glancing at James from time to time.

And there's Remus, giving him a thumbs up under the table throughout dinner.

James mentally prepared himself for the conversation they were about to have.
Severus expected the dorm to be empty, so he was surprised to find Edmund sitting on his bed, engrossed in a book.

Without giving Edmund a second glance, Severus headed to the bathroom to change his clothes. He climbed into his bed and closed his eyes.

"So, you and Potter?" Edmund questioned, breaking the silence "Who knew that was coming?"

Severus kept his eyes shut "Quiet the surprise, isn't it? Not that it's any of your concern" He replied dryly.

"It's not, but since i'm Bruce's friend, it is now" Edmund said, emphasizing the word 'friend'.

Severus gritted his teeth, sitting up to face Edmund "What does Bruce have to do with any of this?"

Edmund snapped his book shut, bringing it down to his lap, his piercing eyes fixed on Severus "Isn't it obvious? He likes you, Snape"

Severus stiffened, and he found himself at a loss for words. He had never considered the possibility that someone other than James could have romantic feelings for him.

Severus' expression hardened as he crossed his arms "You don't know what you're saying"

"Oh, believe me, i do. I've been friends with him long enough to see how he looks at you, how he treats you differently from anyone else" Edmund slowly smirked "Haven't you ever wondered why he tends to your injuries when no one else would? It's because he cares, more than you realize"

His mind raced, running a hand through his hair. Severus sighed deeply "Even if what you say is true" Severus replied, voice tinged with irritation "It doesn't change anything"

Edmund's smirk faded and he scoffed "Yeah because you've chosen Potter, haven't you? The same James Potter who relentlessly tormented you for four years. Are you seriously willing to ignore the person who has been there for you?"

Severus glared darkly, chest heaving "You have no business telling me what i should and shouldn't do in my life, Avery" He growled, voice shaking with anger "James has changed. He's not the same person he was back then"

"Has he truly changed, or are you just seeing what you want to see?" Edmund tilted his head, narrowing his eyes.

Severus clenched his fists tightly. He despised Edmund's attempts to manipulate his thoughts and emotions. He refused to let his words plant doubts in his mind.

"You're a foolish man, Snape" Edmund said as he got off of his bed "You think you can find happiness with someone like Potter? A Gryffindor, no less? You're setting yourself up for disappointment"

"You're underestimating me, Avery" Severus replied, watching him walk towards the door.

Before Edmund left, he glanced over his shoulder "You'll regret choosing the wrong person"

Then he closed the door behind him, leaving Severus alone with his thoughts. The room fell silent, and he took a moment to collect himself, letting the anger and frustration dissipate. He knew that Edmund's words were meant to provoke him, to make him doubt his choices, but he refused to let that happen.

Severus laid back down to his bed, feeling even more exhausted than before. He had been looking forward to a peaceful sleep, but Edmund had ruined it. He closed his eyes, letting out a long, weary sigh.

If what he said about Bruce was true, Severus had no interest to it. He knew he was being mean, but what else he could he do? Reciprocate his feelings? He was finally happy, and he wasn't going to let anyone ruin it.

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