We are forgiven

111 19 2

God made man, and He made woman,

They sinned in God's sight,

Eating of a tree forbidden,

They made wrong what had been right.

God banished man, He banished woman,

Out of the garden of Eden,

For they ate of the tree forbidden,

As it is written.

God watched man, He watched woman,

As man-kind committed more evil,

Doing deeds that were forbidden,

And anger they made Him feel.

God wiped out man, He wiped out woman,

Only Noah and his family saving,

Who had not done what was forbidden,

So they could make a new beginning.

God helped man, He helped woman,

Through the trials and tribulation,

Though they did what was forbidden,

He made a plan to save them.

God sent His Son for man, He sent Him for woman,

To be born of a virgin,

To save those who had done what was forbidden,

Jesus was born of woman.

God sacrificed His Son for man, sacrificed His Son for woman,

Die upon a cross God let Him,

To forgive us who do what is forbidden,

God let us kill Him.

God raised His Son for man, He raised His Son for woman,

To being about a new law,

Detailing what is forbidden,

Saving us from hell's gaping maw.

God's Son lives on, for man, for woman,

Though we do what is forbidden,

He saved our lives,

Upon a cross died,

To let us know, we are forgiven.

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