Chapter 2: Amsterdam

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Chapter 2

The flight took longer than Cameron expected or it seemed like it. The brunette was bored because hey! what could you do besides sleeping, what wasn't even an option anymore after she woke up from a disturbing sound, or well known as the snoring of A certain agent called Clint. Every time she heard the news reporter talking she started to think about the flashback she had while sleeping.

The first mission could be explained with one word. Terrible and she had tried everything to just forget about it and try to focus on the more important things. Cameron succeeded but now that she had the whole flashback thing everything had flooded back in her already full mind.

"Hello agent Grey, agent Barton. We will land in less than ten minutes so please remain seated and put on your seatbelts"

After she heard the pilot she let out a long sigh when she realised that she had to actually do something because hawkeye was still fast asleep.

"Hey, Clint..." Cameron began as she put on her seatbelt, but Clint didn't wake up, what made her groan in annoyance, so she grabbed something from the table in front of her and threw it at the sleeping man.

Not even a second later Clint shot up, eyes wide and it didn't take long for him to see an agent laughing at him. "Why did you do that!" He asked, frowning slightly.

"Because you need to put on your seatbelt. We are landing in a few minutes" She said, a smile still covering her lips as she tried to hold back another fit of laughter.

Clint only rolled his eyes, irritated by the way she was acting. He simply did what she had said while mumbling some words. Cranky bastard.

Cameron absolutely hated this. The weird feeling in the pit of her stomach as the plane got closer and closer to the ground. The tip of her fingers tapped against the leather of her seat, what was clearly a sign of nervousness.

Once the small wheels made contact with the ground she let out a sigh of relief and felt herself relax again.

"So we finally landed in Germany.." Cameron mumbled, a smirk creeping on her lips as she saw him rolling his eyes.

"Haha, Grey. You are So funny" sarcasm was clearly heard in his voice what made her laugh as they stood up.

"I know I am"


Cameron had no idea how much time had passed, but she guessed that it was somewhat an hour. They were now on their way towards their hired apartment.

Clint was looking through the widow the whole time. He had never been in Amsterdam, but it looked different compared to other Countries. Everyone here was riding on bikes, Lots of houses and museums everywhere. He wondered If anything ever happened here because it didn't really look like a city where a lot of things happened.

The cab driver, fortunately, spoke English, since the both of them didn't speak any Dutch, So when they arrived at a building he told them the price and wished the two a good vacation. Ha! Vacation. Like they ever had time for that.


"You could have helped me with carrying those bags" Clint complained as he placed them besides the sofa in the living space.

"Yeah I know" The brunette shrugged and chuckled once she saw his expression.

"Then why Didn't you help"

"Because I was afraid to break a nail" Sarcasm hinted her voice as she spoke.

She shook her head when she heard him mumble something that sounded like. 'I swear, I'm going to kill her someday'

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