Chapter 3: Unconscious

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Ever had this feeling that you were being watched? that someone was hiding in the shadow, waiting for the right moment to attack? Well, Cameron felt like that as she made her way through the old factory. The only thing she was able to hear were the uneven footsteps of Clint and herself and the dripping of water from the ceiling.

The brunette turned her flashlight on, holding it in one hand while holding a pistol in her other. Ready to shoot if necessary. This felt like an episode of one of those police shows on TV, She could already hear the intense music playing in her head as they slowly made their way further into the abandoned and especially old building.

Suddenly there was a loud bang coming from behind her, it sounded like something made out of metal falling onto the floor and without any hesitation Cameron spun around, narrowing her eyes as she tried to see through a curtain of shadow. Clint heard it as well because he, just like her, had his eyes focused on the big open space behind them and was trying to see if anyone..or anything was somewhere over there hiding in the darkness. Nothing, just simply nothing.

And then Ten minutes later She was on her own, walking through a long ass corridor. It was one of those typical long and creepy corridors, concrete floor and walls, lights attached to the ceiling which was full of spider webs and little insects. Only thinking about it made her body itch everywhere and she started to have the feeling that they were all over her. They, well Clint, decided to split up because they would find the two men faster and then they could finish their mission by calling Shield who would check the place for any alien objects. Honestly, she thought that it was the dumbest and most stupid decision ever because come on! Everyone knows that In pretty much all of the horror movies someone would die after a group had split up so she didn't feel comfortable at all, but maybe she has just watched too many movies.

"I'm about to enter the office" Cameron said, her voice a mere whisper. She heard him mumble something that sounded like 'okay' as she slowly and especially quietly opened the door and of course, Of course, the door had to make the Oh so creepy creaking sound. What was next? A clown sneaking up behind her with a jigsaw in his hand?

"You've got to be fucking kidding me". Why had this to be so creepy! They were on a stupid mission someone else could have done and for all they knew some lost ghost, or insane murderer could show up out of the blue and kill them, hide their bodies and no one would ever see them again. After The brunette agent breathed out the oxygen in her lungs and filled it with some muff and smelly air she shook her head, realising that her fantasy was going to drive her insane some day.

Cameron shined her bright flashlight through the room and saw a lot of things but, of course, besides two criminals or alien weapons. The walls were, just like the hallways, made off concrete, the floor as well and it was cold, it was almost like the winter when snow would cover the streets. Shamelessly she started to sing 'let it go' in her head. Probably just to distract her from the horror movie thought that seemed to be stuck in her mind. She spotted two camera's high up in the corners of the room, but they weren't working anymore, all signs that it was abandoned for quite some time now. So maybe the people they were looking for weren't in here anymore, maybe they had found a better place? Or this wasn't the right location. She had stopped with shining the light across the room when her eyes fell onto a table she saw in the middle of the room. How couldn't she have seen that? It was pretty huge, in the middle of the room and it looked like the tables they had in hospitals for surgery. "Clint?"

"Yeah?" Was his short answer, probably focused on his surroundings. She remembered one time on a mission in the states, She had called out for him, again and again but it just seemed like he didn't even hear her so she stepped towards him and nudged his shoulder, which was a bad idea because the next thing that happened was him notching an arrow and almost firing it at her head. So after that she made a note for herself to never do that again.

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