Part 1

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Leo's P.O.V

Raph was being quiet recently and always got mad for no reason, I mean just this morning at breakfast, he yelled at Mikey when he didn't even say or do anything, he kept saying he was a bad brother and should stop making stupid jokes, they really affect him. I can understand that when Mikey makes fun of Raph's "ugliness" but Mikey hasn't done that for almost a month and a half.

In fact Mikey's barely been teasing Raph at all, none of us have, he hasn't really yelled at me in particular yet, in the last month, he's yelled at Mikey about 24 times and yelled at Donnie 19 times, and me, only 4 times. I'm just glad he hasn't yelled at Splinter yet.

At Training

"My sons, today we will try something different, instead of doing our normal routine of having you all duel, instead Donatello and Michelangelo will have the day off while Leonardo and Raphael duel," Master Splinter explained, Donnie and Mikey silently cheered as the excited the Dojo.

Raph stared after them with a mighty glare, then turned his attention to me, I gulped, he look more pissed off than ever.

"Are you two ready?" Splinter asked, I nodded as I put myself into position, Raph only grunted, his gaze not leaving mine.


Raph threw himself at me fists ready, Shell!, I acted quickly, avoiding the attack, I swept my leg, somehow easily tripping me brother, he lost balance and I took this as my chance to pin him down strongly.

"Raphael! What's going on with you lately!?" I asked, he growled, easily throwing me off with his strength, I leaped to my feet and locked his arms in place, locking his legs with one of my legs, keeping easy balance, using my free hand to lock his head in place, making it impossible for him to move.

"Raph! What's wrong!?" I tried, he responded with a growl, I tightened my grip,"Raph! Talk to me!"

"My son, keep him in this position," Splinter said, he walked up to my brother and hit a sensitive pressure point, making it so Raph would stop struggling so violently.

"Raphael, your temper, is uncanny lately, what troubles you?" he asked, Raph looked at his father with a stern gaze, I held him tighter, but not to keep him in place but because I wanted to try to comfort him in some way.

"You never care!" he suddenly snapped,"You never treat me like a son, you never try to understand me! You all insult me, you are all jerks to me, Mikey's always teasing and insulting me, Donnie always acts smart with me like I'm the dumbest guy on the planet, and Leo! I wanted you to hear this personally, you're the worst of them all! You're always so smug saying stupid things just to act like Splinter! Like the perfect son, you always over look me, you never stick up for me, you just tell me what I do wrong! You don't ever care about me!"

Raph was sobbing at this point, his words were like punches to the gut, and they were harder than his own and that said something.

I let Raph go, unable to handle what he said.

"You all act like I'm made of stone! Well guess what! I'm not, I'm just a piece of the world that no one cares about!"

He turned and punched me straight in the gut, I flew into the wall, cracking it. I couldn't move, not because of the impact on his action, but the impact of his words.

Raph doesn't think we care, our words and actions on him make him believe that he doesn't matter, my actions led to these beliefs... Raph's hurting, because of me...

Raph glared coldly at Sensi,"What, want to tell me to control my temper?! Because no matter how hard I try I can't, your pressure on me makes none of this feel better, you're always making me push myself so hard, I can't sleep at night without thinking about how much of a failure I am to you!" he cried, then he rammed Splinter with his body throwing him into the wall.

I almost stopped breathing, Splinter held his shoulder in utter agony.

Raph hurt his own father, that's when I snapped...

I leaped to my feet and shoved Raph straight into the Dojo door, denting it, before he could move, I kicked him in the face, he went flying out of the Dojo.

I leaped on top of him, pinning him down,"Who needs you anyway, you're a danger to this family! You always have been! You're right! I don't care! None of us do! I don't care if you lived or died! You don't matter Raphael!" my own words strike me hard, they weren't true but I couldn't control myself.

"You're dead to me!" I said, then I was back, my pupils shrunk in terror, I leaped off my injured brother, his cheek was swollen with a bruise and blood dripped from his mouth, he had a massive bruise covering his right shoulder from both hitting the door and the ground, he covered it in pain, clenching his teeth.

"Raph I-I didn't m-me-"Save it! you said what you met and you met what you said, I see how it is!" he interrupted, he turned to Donnie,"Looks like I was right about something for once, who's the dumb one now, not me, not this time!" he cried, he turned to Mikey.

"I'm not weak, I'm not slow, I'm not stupid, know what I am, I'm a monster! I'm a terrible ugly monster like you once said!" he said, Mikey and Donnie stared at their broken brother.

"Raph we didn't me-"Shut up! All of you! Just leave me alone!" he screamed, he let go of his arm, he looked at me,"I'm sorry I was such a horrible brother..."

Then he was gone, Raph ran out of the lair.

I was left silent, what was wrong with me, I just made it all worse, he already thought we didn't care, I could've proved him wrong, shown him how much we really cared, instead I proved his thoughts right, he really thinks we hate him now, that we want nothing to do with him... and it's all my fault.

I broke down in front of my other two brothers who were silent, I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face.


I know, short first chapter, but I just wanted to let my true hate for how Raph's brothers treat him come to true form, sorry if it was a bit aggressive, but yeah, I don't know how long it'll be before I get the next one out, but yeah, I'll let this one sink in for a bit. 

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