Part 5

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They finally put us back in our cell.

Raph was awake, but he was giving me the silent treatment... again...

"Raph, come here, it's ok," I said, Raph was still unmoving from his position, he just kept staring at the wall.

I walked over to him and touched his shoulder, next thing I knew, Raph grabbed my hand and threw me over his shoulder and into the wall.

Raph's eyes were full of hate and anger.

"Raph, just breathe, it's ok!" I said.

"You lied! You said that you were better than me! You meant it! You always have been better then me and you finally had the guts to admit it! Why did I even believe you when you said it wasn't true?! I'm so stupid!" Raph hissed.

"Shredder's just trying to divide us, he's trying to trick you Raph, please," Leo said, trying his best to keep his composure.

"A trick? Those were your exact words! You said I was a hot head! I was impatient! Both true, but I know for a fact that you said, 'but more importantly, I'm better than you,' you're exact words! Don't tell me that what Shredder showed me was a trick you lier!" Raph sobbed, he started to repeat it all over again.

"You- You said that I was a hothead, impatient, you said you were better then me..." Raph kept sobbing, until he sat, put his head between his legs and wrapped himself into a ball.

"Raph... you're the strongest out of all of us, you're willing to throw yourself in front of danger for us, you're stubborn and you never give up on us, even when we're beating ourselves over stupid things, you're hotheadedness is what pushes us to get up and fight, because you're that inspiration that tells us,'I'm with you to the end, I will protect you,' you even show that by saying,'If you don't get up right now and help me take down this Foot ninja, I will show you real pain later,' Raph I love you bro, Sensi loves you, but you need to tell him that what he's doing to help you calm anger is only making things worse, and instead of smacking Mikey over his head every time he insults you, tell Sensi, then you can watch him beat some sense into Mikey, Donnie doesn't know he treats you like you're stupid, stupid is Mikey's level and he's used to explaining things to Mikey not you,(I'm not so sure about that one, but whatever) you can talk to me Raph, I'm sorry about all those things I said to you on that roof and all those times I hurt you... I know sorry won't cut it for how many times I've hurt you, but-" I was interrupted when Raph suddenly hugged me tight.

"I forgive you... brother..." Raph said in a raspy voice.

I was speechless, my arms wrapped around him as tight as his, tears fell down my face.

"Thank you... Leo..." Raph whispered.

I pulled away and lightly touched Raph's hand.

"Now, how about we get out of here and give Shred-head the beating of a lifetime?" Leo chuckled. Raph nodded.

"You two really are good brothers..." a voice said, just then Karai appeared from the shadows.

She pulled out a key and unlocked the cell, moving out of the way.

"Go..." she whispered, I looked at Raph, he nodded.

They both walked out of the cell and ran to the lab, Shredder was reviewing the memory of Raph and Leo fighting.

Raph's shoulders drooped, but I wouldn't let my brother falter.

I grabbed his shoulder and smiled at him, Raph smiled back faintly.

Raph then leaped down to pursue him, stumbling due to his wounds.

Classic Raphael.

I dropped with him.

"Shredder, it's time to end this," I declared, before Raph and I pursued him. Raph went for the first move, leaping over Shredder and pushing off his back, I followed pursuit and while Shredder was unbalanced, I kneed him in the jaw.

Shredder quickly returned attacks, he went for Raph, throwing his arm to his head, Raph blocking, Shredder then threw a kick into Raph's side, Raph winced.

I grabbed Shredder's open arm and held it back before he could punch my brother, Raph locked his free arm with Shredder's leg, I took the opportunity to kick him off balance, I let go of his arm and Raph threw Shredder across the room, tearing some bandages here and there.

Blood seeped from Raph's mouth.

"You ok?" I asked, he nodded, Shredder came barreling toward us, he was coming for me, his blades at ready.

Raph then quickly blocked his attack, being weary of the blades.

"Leo!" Raph grunted, he tossed Shredder over his shell, giving me the chance to kick him in the face, Shredder once again on the ground, Raph fell to his knee, shaking.

I frowned, running to his side.

"Raph? Can you hear me?" I asked, Raph was unresponsive.


I looked up and turned to see them, my family, including Splinter.

"Guys!? How did you get here!?" I asked.

"Karai, informed us of your whereabouts," Splinter explained briefly. I nodded firmly.

"Sensi, you can help me keep Shredder busy, Don, Mikey, help Raph," I said, they nodded.

"Leonardo, stay with Raphael, he wishes for your presence, I feel it, Michelangelo and I shall keep with Saki," Splinter said, I nodded, Mikey followed Sensi, and I stayed with Donnie.

"Oh Raph..." Donnie whispered as he changed Raph's bandages.

"Donnie?" I said.

"He's got a lot of deep cuts, gladly, he had no broken bones, have you two rekindled?" Donnie asked, I nodded.

"Yeah... but I just wish I could read his mind... he was really shaken up after we were captured... he had nightmares, barely slept or ate," I explained.

"That would explain why his stomach is hollow and the the bags under his eyes... when was the last time he ate?" Donnie asked.

"About five days ago I think, Shredder didn't let us have food for a little while... I ate what I could, so I should be fine, but I need a decent meal," Leo said.

"How much sleep?"

About thirty minutes every other day until recently when he finally talked to me, then he was sleeping about four hours a day."

"So, we'll need to be careful about how much food we give him or he'll be barfing up his dinner," Donnie said.

"Don?" Raph mumbled as his eyes opened.

"Raph..." Donnie said, smiling.

"On a scale of one to ten how reckless am I?" Raph joked.

"Ten," Donnie chuckled.

"How... dumb am I compared to Mikey..." Raph whispered.

"Compared to him, you're a genius," Donnie answered immediately.

Raph smiled.

"You were right... Leo..." Raph whispered, before falling back into slumber.

Just then, Mikey and Splinter ran up to us.

"Michelangelo has set your bomb Donatello, we have five minutes, let's go," Splinter said, Leo held Raph up and followed the rest of his family to the exit.

Right as they got past the street away from the building, it exploded.


Weeks later

We were all recovering, Raph's made up with Splinter and Mikey and only has a few wounds here and there, he's slowly recovering from nearly starving himself and has slept with Leo at his bedside.

Shredder was gone, Karai had informed us that they'd found his body, dead for sure this time and we haven't heard from her since, Donnie thinks she went back to Japan.

Raph and I are never apart, we secretly train without Splinter's consent, don't tell him.

But yeah, everything should be fine for a while, getting rid of the common robbers is a basic thing now while we wait for something exciting to happen.

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