Part 3

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Leo's P.O.V

I was put in a cell with Raph, he was still unconscious but at least he was patched up a little bit, they haven't done anything to us yet.

I was just caressing Raph's body to keep him warm because it was freezing in the cell, Raph looked extremely uncomfortable, like he was having a bad nightmare, he kept mumbling things like,'Don't care, just kill me yourself,' and ,'I'm sorry I was never good enough.'

I felt terrible, he eventually woke up, but he wasn't talking to me, he wouldn't even look at me, I didn't even bother trying to talk to him, I mean what could I say to him. He hates me.

Raph kept having nightmares, they came a lot more than they did when he was with me, he refused to talk about them, he refused to sleep, they weren't giving us much food and of course I ate what I could but Raph... he refused to eat.

I knew it was because of me, I could tell that because I said he's dead to me so... now he's most likely trying to get himself killed.

"Raph please, you need to eat something, I don't want you to die!" I said, he ignored me, Raph kept doing this since he woke up, I lost count of how many days we've been here but I know it's been a very long time.

Raph had finally gave into sleeping for the most part, the amount of time he usually gets is about 30 to 40 minutes every other day... and every time... there was always a nightmare... until one moment in time.


I was watching Raph sleep as well as try to fall asleep, but I was too worried for him to try, so I would just wait.

Raph started to mumble and shake violently.

"N-No, I don't want to die... please... Leo, d-don't k-kill me, I-I'm so s-sorry... I-I, No!" he cried, my mouth opened slightly in shock when he said my name, but I really shouldn't have been so surprised.

I took a chance, I quietly walked over to Raph and hugged him, Raph was relaxing a little more, but he was still mumbling my name and kept saying no.

"Raph... I would never kill you, I love you too much to ever do that to you... I was just angry, I would never say that, I know you think I can't get mad but I can, I have many times, and most of them weren't even towards you, they were towards the others for always insulting you, that's why they weren't mean for that long while..." I said.

Raph stopped shaking, he stopped mumbling, I thought he was waking up so he could punch me but he just hugged me, he didn't wake.

I just sat beside him and kept him in a tight grip and I fell asleep peacefully.


Raph slowly opened his eyes, he looked around and when he saw me he growled.

"Morning sleepy head," I said, I got to my feet.

"H-How long was I asleep," he whispered, he wasn't talking to me but I answered anyway.

"If my math is correct, about eight hours," I said, Raph grunted in frustration.

"Why'd you help me..." he asked, I turned to him and slowly approached him.

"Because you're my brother and I care about you, I would never hurt you," I said, he glared at me coldly.

"Too late for that Leo... you have any idea how much it hurt to hear you say that, didn't help with the thoughts I had after the... incident,"(*cough, cough*,Leo vs Raph 2007 movie *cough, cough*) I looked down.

"I know... but I never wanted this, Raph, I never wanted to hurt you as much as I did, I-"I was interrupted when Raph hugged me, I returned the hug.

"Leo... We need to get out of here... if they don't come for us, they'll kill us for sure."

"I know, I told them they could find me after two weeks, but I don't know how long it's been, they're probably searching for us by now..." I said pulling away, he turned away from me and walked to the other side of the cell, he was shivering from the cold.

"Raph, you should cuddle up with me, I'll keep you warm, I'm not that cold. Although if you weren't so weak from your injuries and the lack of food and water," I stated rather coldly, he just rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine, if I die here, it'll be my own fault, no need to blame yourself," he said.

Where'd that come from?

"Not if I could've prevented it..." I said walking up to him, he growled with warning for me to back off, but of course I didn't listen.

"Raph, I'll take ounce of torture for you when the time comes."

Raph stared into my eyes, he then leaned into my shoulder.

"Bold promise Leonardo, but you can't keep it," Shredder said walking into the room, Raph glared him down, and since he was still pretty banged up, I stood over him protectively, Raph stood up himself.

"You finally got the guts to face us yourself did you," he said, I could tell Shredder was smirking under that mask.

"Karai, prepare the camber for our... guests, make sure they'll be nice and comfortable, especially Raphael." he said without responding to Raph. I glared at him the moment he mentioned Raph.

Shredder then opened the cage a walked up to us.

"Do not try to run, after all I don't believe he'd be able to run in his condition, much less fight me," Shredder said gesturing to Raphael.

He growled and stepped up to him.

"I could take you any day Shred-head!" he snapped, I grabbed Raph's shoulder and pulled him away.

"Well, I see who's the smarter one here," he taunted, I felt Raph's shoulder tense in anger.

Then I remembered how he felt about being teased about being dumb compared to Donnie, I glared up at Shredder again.

"Leave him alone Shredder, what will you do to us?!" I snapped, Shredder simply smirked again and his blade to my neck.

"You won't ask questions or else."

I heard Raph take a threatening step forward, and before I could stop him, he pushed past me and rammed himself into Shredder, it had enough force to get Shredder into the bars and even denting them. Raph then grabbed his shoulder and stumbled on his feet.

"Looks like he's still got the fire in him," Raph said in third person growling.

"Let's change that."

Shredder shoved me into the wall, putting his blade to my throat, Raph froze and stared at us.

"L-Let him go!" Raph snapped, Shredder put the blade closer to my neck and I gulped slowly.

"Now Karai," he said, just then Karai snuck up behind Raph and injected something into Raph's neck and he fell unconscious.

"No!" I shrieked as Shredder let me go and I rushed to my brother.

"What'd you do?!" I cried, I felt for a pulse, it felt steady.

"Something to make both you and him suffer," Shredder said.

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