The Hidden Star: A Fresh Start

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Eira cried out in pain, The pain from the needle in her hand as her hands started to bleed

The girl thought

'What did I do to deserve this?'

'What did I do to make them loathe me..? '
'I'm sorry...whatever I did I'm sorry
I don't wanna die yet I just want everyone to be happy... WHY WHY I NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG I just wanted to be loved and accepted by unfair...'

A tear dropped from her tired eyes

Eira screeched in pain as a piercing pain from Eira's cried out for help hoping they would stop...

But they never did...that is when Eira realized...that there is no hope

They will always despite her no matter what

As Eira began to burst into tears from the dark reality

Then her version was filled with smoke...

Then she understood that her life will be soon come to an end...

Discovering that they will never love her...

As she accepted her eira stopped struggling and let the fire consume her

As her body starts to burn from the fire as she screams in despair

Eira felt nothing but the pain in her body from the flames burning her body as she took her final last breath

Her eyes started to close...

Darkness invading her version

As her body and her room burnt leaving everything that she owns as ashes

As her new life begins

A fresh start

☆Eira's POV☆:

'Am I finally...dead?'

'everything is so this the afterlife?'

'this place feels so peaceful and cozy...I don't wanna leave '

I thought as unexpectedly I heard a newborn weeping

'huh? Why is there a baby that is crying?'

As I felt like somebody carrying me

'carrying me? HUH?! WHO IS CARRYING ME??? WHAT'S HAPPENING?????'

As I felt that my eyes start to open

Seeing a blinding light as my eyes began to adjust

But my eyesight is still a bit blurry.

Where am I? Who is this person and where are they taking me?

Suddenly I felt drowsy as another person held me in their hands

It was a beautiful woman she had a gentle smile she was covered in sweat as if she had given birth

Her lovely red eyes and her messy silky blue hair

Then she started to cry...

I don't understand

Why is she crying?

Then unexpectedly she held me gently pulling me close to her chest and crying... I didn't understand what is happening

Where am I?

Aren't I supposed to be dead?

Who is this lady?

And why is she crying

As I felt even more sleepy as my eyelids close

☆Woman's POV☆:

I smiled as I saw my baby for the first- time I couldn't help but cry

My baby...

Thank goodness she's alright...I don't know what I would do if she had died...

My poor baby...I'm sorry you were in pain when you were in my womb...

But thank goodness you are safe and sound

As I held my daughter close to my chest as I cried in tears of joy

"Please stay healthy my baby...mommy will try her best to take care of baby eira..."

I I smiled with tears in my eyes

My sweet baby...

[That's all tehe~I ran out of ideas
So this is all I can provide I hope you all enjoyed reading this story ❤️]

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