Special: Before It Started

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[thank you for 500 reads this is special this may be part of the story~ but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️]

A girl was laying down on the galaxy floor wearing a white nightgown the stars shone brightly around the girl trying to cheer her up...her eyes lost hope

God looked at her with pity as he sat on his throne looking down at the earth as they sighed"You truly are unfortunate to think you have to suffer like this, my child"

Eira looked blankly at the abyss as the stars circled her laying transparent figure " There is no need to feel pity on Me what has been done cannot be undone...even if you prevented what happened..." Eira closed her eyes " They will find another opportunity to kill me again"

God turned around to look at her. They sighed once more as their eyebrows furrowed"You are truly wise for your age my child what you have said held truth"

"After all, things happen because they HAVE to happen"

Eira frowned as she shoo the tiny stars circling her "What are these stars for I see no reason why they exist" Eira glared at the tiny stars as they just float around her

God chuckles at her "They aren't the stars that you humans always see in the night" God put one of his fingers as a star went to them laying down on their finger "They are souls that have found their worth and peace and the brighter the star the greater their potential"

"they are attracted to souls that who have a hidden potential that will shine the brightest"

Eira raised an eyebrow as she looked at the tiny star floating around her as they seem to be dancing happily around her "Even so why are they here? Shouldn't they be in heaven not in this endless void-like galaxy" one of the stars lay down on her head

God looked at the earth as he put his hand down " They are just here they are free to roam around whenever they please they could be here or in heaven"

The stars cheerfully float around God as they jump up and down as if they were agreeing on what they have said making little sparkles like glitter while they move

Eira looked at the abyss blankly as she sighed "You make it sound there your children"

"That is because they are my children you too eira you are my child as well," God said as he laughed at the little star's antics as he continued to speak"They have their thoughts and emotions, and they are all unique and special in their way. The stars are more than just 'lifeless celestial bodies', they are the spirits of people who have passed on and have found a place of peace and happiness."

God looked at Eira. They smiled gently at her as she remain laying down staring down at the abyss her eyes holding no hope

Eira bit her lip as her eyebrow furrowed she had a pained expression 

. . .

God spoke once more

. .

"Eira would you like to be alive once more?"


[and I oop- I hope you enjoyed this 🥰]

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