3)Cultivating a good attitude

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Being happy and having a good attitude plays and important role. Many of us don't accept compliments. If some one compliments us, we often seem to dismiss them. Accept them gladly. If they are saying that to you, they might have seen that quality in you,right?
Many people with low self-esteem have difficulty taking compliments; they assume that the person complimenting them is either mistaken or lying. If you find yourself responding to a compliment by rolling your eyes, saying, "Yeah, right," or shrugging it off, you should reframe your response to compliments.
Take it to heart and respond positively. (Saying "thank you" and smiling works well). Let the person giving the compliment know that you really appreciate it, and work to reach the point where you are able to truly accept the compliment at heart.
You can add the compliment to your list of positive attributes too!

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