Chapter 1: July 3, 1985

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The interior of a mechanic's garage. There were many tools and equipment on work benches. There seemed to be blueprints of some kind for a vehicle, as well as some other schematics lining the walls. There was a TV sitting to the side, while other cutting tools, blowtorch, welders, plus some spare tires and other parts. There's a few clocks on the wall which ticked along in unison.

The TV suddenly turned on. "The Senate is expected to vote on this today." A woman on the news spoke up. "In other news, officials at The Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumour that the case of missing plutonium was in fact stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft, however, the officials now infer the crepency to a simple clerical error. The FBI..."

The sound of a door opening could be heard nearby. The door into the garage opened, someone stepping in, and closing the door behind the individual who stepped in.

This is Daphne Blake. Daphne is a teenage female, with an hourglass figure and shoulder-length red hair. Her most worn outfit consists of a purple top, dress, pink pantyhose, and purple shoes. She also wears a plastic purple headband and a green scarf.

Daphne is part of a group known as Mystery Inc, and together, they solve mysteries across the country, and some times, the world as well

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Daphne is part of a group known as Mystery Inc, and together, they solve mysteries across the country, and some times, the world as well.

"Doctor Brown?" she called, "Are you here?"

Daphne saw all the equipment on, and then the phone then rang, with her picking up.

"Hello?" she said.

"Daphne?" said the voice.

"Doctor Brown? Where are you? I haven't heard from you-"

"Thank god I found you," said Brown, "Listen, can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall tonight at 1:15? I've made a major breakthrough, I'll need your assistance. And see if you can bring Scoobert."

"Wait, 1:15 in the morning?" asked Daphne, "And, what do you need Scooby for?"

"You'll find out," said Brown.

"Hey, Doctor Brown, you left all your equipment on, all week," said Daphne.

"My equipment? Oh, that reminds me, Daphne. You'd best shut off everything in the garage. There'd be a slight possibility of a blackout." advised Brown.

"Okay Doctor Brown," said Daphne, "Although, we may have a mystery that we almost have solved."

"Oh, you kids, always getting into mysteries. I want to say thank you again for helping me with that Mechanical Phantom. I can't believe it was someone who was from my college though."

"It's always someone in a mask."

Just then, the clocks go off in unison, Daphne nearly falling over in response of the loud ringing that echoed inside of the garage. He had to cover his ears to try and resist the noise, just as it stopped after a few chimes.

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