Chapter 5: Unexpected Encounter

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Daphne woke up with a startle. It was dark, and there looked to be a figure looking over her.

"Mom?" asked Daphne.

"Shh, it's alright," A feminine voice said, the silhouette walking up to her and wiping her forehead with a wet cloth. "Just relax. You've been asleep for almost nine hours now."

"Oh, mom, I had a horrible nightmare," said Daphne, "A friend of mine built a time machine, but was killed by terrorists. Then Scooby and I used the machine to escape, but were stuck in the past. It was crazy."

"Well," said the figure, "I'm sure that you and your friend are safe and alive, back in good old 1955."

Daphne's eyes popped open, and she whispered, "1955?"

The light turned on, to reveal a young teen, around Daphne's age, with blonde hair, and an hourglass figure.

She slowly realized it was Peggy, Fred's mom.

"Oh my," said Daphne, "Y... You're..."

"My name is Peggy," said the teen sweetly, "It's alright Victoria."

Daphne then got up, only to see she was in her lineage.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Over there Victoria," said Peggy.

"Why do you keep calling me Victoria?"

"That is your name, Victoria Secret? It says that on your underwear."

"Actually, my name is, Daphne."

"Daphne!!" cried a voice.

Scooby then tackled Daphne to the bed, licking her face.

"Scooby!! It's okay!! I'm fine!!"

"I see your dog is happy to see you," said Peggy, "That's a big bruise you have there..." Peggy tried to touch his head, only for Daphne to accidentally fall out of the bed from her touch, resulting in a very loud thud.

"Peggy, are you okay!?"

"Oh no," said Peggy, "It's my mother! Quick, get dressed."

Daphne slid her dress on, and tied her scar on her neck.

Mrs. Marrow now led Daphne, Scooby and Peggy downstairs.

"So, Daphne," said Mrs. Marrow, "What were you doing in the middle of the street?"

"Well," said Daphne, "A friend of mine was looking for......  birds!" Daphne had to make a lie so that the dad didn't look like a perv. "Yeah, he was looking for birds, but he sat on an unstable branch, and it broke."

"Sam," said Mrs. Marrow, "This is the girl you almost hit with your car."

"What were you doing in the middle of the street?" asked Mr. Marrow, "Kid your age?"

"Don't either of you pay attention to him, he's in one of his moods." Mrs. Marrow let Daphne to sit down at the table as she went to her husband at the TV set. "Sam, quit fiddling with that."

Scooby then sat down at the table, when Mrs. Marrow said, "No, bad dog! Not at the table!"

"No no, it's okay," said Daphne, "He... he acts like a person more than a dog to be honest."

Mrs. Marrow looked at Daphne, and saw Scooby about to tie a napkin around his neck, only for Daphne to put it in his lap. She then dropped the subject.

"Now, let's see, you already know Peggy." Mrs. Marrow introduced the four friends to the family. One was a young blonde girl with glasses, a brunette boy with a raccoon cap, a black-hair boy in a collared shirt and pants, and there was a blonde haired baby with a black and white striped shirt in his crib. "This is Sally, this is Milton, this is Toby, and over in the play pen is little baby Joey."

"So you're Fred's Uncle Joey?" whispered Daphne.

Scooby looked at Joey, and licked him, making the baby laugh.

"Yes, Joey just loves being in his playpen." Mrs. Marrow smiled. "He cries whenever we take him out, so we just leave him in there all the time. Well, Daphne, I hope you like meatloaf."

Scooby was quick to cut himself a piece, and leave that one, while taking a huge chunk.

"SCOOBY!!" said Daphne.

Scooby stopped, and Daphne said, "this isn't our home. We don't have the amount to give you your usual."

Scooby stopped, and put the meatloaf back, and picked up the cut piece.

"Sam, quit fiddling with that thing and come in here and eat your dinner!" Mrs. Marrow said, firmly.

Mr. Marrow finally got the TV to work and he showed everyone an episode of a TV show, much to everyone's amusement. 

"Oh, look at it roll!" He cheered and sat down with his family.

"Now we can watch while we eat!"

"Our first television set." Peggy told Daphne and Scooby. 

"Dad just picked it up today. Do you folks have a television?" She asked.

"Well," said Daphne, "we actually have a few."

"Wow!" Milton was amazed. "You guys must be rich!"

"I do come from a wealthy family," said Daphne, "But, I prefer to live the life of a normal teen."

Scooby then realized they were watching the Three Stooges, and it was one of his favorite episodes!

Scooby got ready, and saw Moe then put his fist on Buddy's head, and then punched his other fist into it, and then the three started fighting.

The Great Dane then laughed so hard, he fell out of his chair, and continued to laugh on the floor.

"Oh, Scooby," said Daphne, "That part gets you every time you see it, doesn't it?"

"What do you mean 'every time you see it'?" asked Milton, "it's new."

"Oh, um, we saw it this morning," said Daphne.

Scooby got up, and was catching his breath.

"You know, Daphne, you look so familiar to me." Mrs. Marrow looked at him with wonder. "Do I know your mother?"

"Maybe," said Daphne.

"Oh, then I wanna give her a call, I don't want her to worry about you." Mrs. Marrow said to him.

"Oh, um, actually," said Daphne, "She's.... out of town. I'm staying with my.... Uncle, but he moved. And I'm looking for his house. Do you know where Riverside Drive is, Mr. and Mrs. Marrow?"

"It's on the other end of town." Mr. Marrow replied taking a bite of his dinner. "A block past Maple."

"Past Maple," said Scooby, "That's John F. Kennedy Avenue!"

"Who's John F. Kennedy?"

Daphne then closed Scooby's mouth, and said, "Well, um, thank you for dinner, but, we should get going. Don't want my uncle to worry about me. Come on Scooby."

The two then left, and the Marrows were left a bit confused by the new comers.

Outside, Daphne then said, "Scooby, you need to be careful of what you say. Not everything that happened in 1985 has happened yet!"

"Sorry," said the Great Dane, before the duo headed off.

There was only one man that could help them in their current situation.

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