Acronyms and tone indicators!

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Acronyms are shortened phrases on the internet when we use 'em all too often, why go through the painful way of having to type every word out when you can just shorten them?

Tone indicators are for typing since using tone is the way we distinct emotion. And you can't really, uh, hear text, so this is the solution!


lol-laughing out loud

tbh-to be honest

idk- i dont know

ik- iknow

idek- i dont even know

Tbh-to be honest

I'll do more later

Tone indicators!

/j - joking 

/hj - half joking

/srs - serious

/gen - genuine

/lh- light hearted

/rq - rhetorical question 

/lyr - Lyrics 

/ref - refrence to pop culture 

/s - sarcastic 

Gimme more in the comments

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