Chapter eight

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Her lips are tender on mine, clearly hesitant. Pulling away looking at April who now had a shocked expression.

"W-why did you just kiss me?!" I questioned loudly not being able to control the level of my voice.

"I-I don't k-know!" She cried looking at me with tears falling from her eyes. April got up quickly. Getting up I go to try and console her by hugging her or something but before I can she whispers so slightly it's almost like she can't bear to say it, "I think you should go."

"If that's what you want then I think so too, bye April and thanks for the picnic," I said, turning around so I couldn't see the sadness in her eyes.

Walking home there is the quiet buzz of cars in the background but none too close by. Television screens blurred as I walked past houses that had their curtains open. Stars started to appear in the now pitch black sky. The only light on the street is a few lights on the sides of the road and the moonlight lighting up the sidewalk. Cold Autumn air pricked at my skin with the chill of the evening. Even though I tried to distract myself I couldn't help the guilt crawl all over my skin from how everything went with April. Does this mean she likes me? Oh my god this is probably why she's been so obsessed with Blair but I don't get why she'd try to tell me about Gareth if she was just going to kiss me. My thoughts race all the way home so much so I can't wait to engulf myself in my covers and fall asleep.


I open up the front door and am instantly hit with the warmth of the house, my breath no longer makes a white fog when I breathe and the coldness on my skin has gone. The smell of Pizza filled the house, smelling delicious. I took off my jacket and hung it on a hook by the door. Then I slipped off my shoes, placing them neatly by the rest.

"Hey!" I called out to whoever is home. Walking into the living room I see my Mum and Dad snuggled up on the couch. This was a very rare and odd sight to see, the last time I saw them this close was when I was four.

"Hey honey." Mum said sweetly. 'Honey?' I questioned myself. She looks happy though, the happiest she's been in ages and even dad has a smile which is a big deal for him.

"What are you watching?" I asked, looking at the Tv screen.

"Just some made for tv movies," Mum said, shrugging. Still looking at the screen I saw that it was one of those rom coms where the girl is from a small town with big dreams.

"Okay, when's dinner?" I questioned looking down at my phone screen for the time; six o'clock.

"Soon it's cooking now," mum said, her eyes not coming off the screen.

"Okay." I replied simply then went up to my room for a bit. Getting out my diary I quickly scribbled down about this day, full of lots of odd events and news. My mind has been stuck on the image of April's face leaning in closer to me and the fact that a small almost nonexistent part of me liked it. Telling myself it's just because she's my friend doesn't help the guilt of what happened still gnawing my stomach scratching like icy claws.

When I finished I tucked my diary away where no one would see it and went to take a shower. I love taking showers in the evening. I'm not sure why it's just the feeling after a long day to have the warm water washing it away.


Getting changed into some comfy clothes I walked downstairs just in time for dinner. Sitting down my parents still looked like they were in their bubble of joy.

In the end dinner was fine. We had home made pizza which was delicious. Mum and Dad talked about the baby a lot, so Marcus and I sometimes joined in on conversation. Overall it was a pleasant dinner for our family, Dad is still a bit distant towards us but it was fine considering he didn't make any remarks about Marcus and did acknowledge him throughout the meal which is more than I can say for the past few days. After dinner I went up to my room and checked my phone.

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