Chapter thirty five

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I'd called Tess a few times and on my last try she picked up. She'd told me she is at home so that's where I'm headed.

My mind is racing as I wonder if Tess did this. April was wrong, right?

Everything is so confusing. If it is Tess, why would she even stalk me? I need answers.

Although I know I could never love April there were some good times like the time I was at her house.

"Hey Addison," April called from the other room.

I walked into the kitchen where she is trying to balance the food for our movie marathon. We are going to be going through all the Twilight series first (to know why we both used to be obsessed with them) then are going to watch the back to the future series. Later on I'm also going to try to persuade April to watch Deadpool and Deadpool two with me because they are hilarious.


We walked into the living room food in hand as we settled down on the sofa and pressed play.

April wrapped her arm loosely around my neck and as the night progressed we cuddled up more. As we watched the film I could feel my eyes slowly trying to drift to sleep which April must have seen because she lightly kissed me on the head and whispered 'goodnight'.


April was a good girlfriend and I know I treated her badly by being distant and not trusting her. But I felt as if I couldn't trust her, I couldn't be hurt again not by Blair not by anyone. My chest feels hollow like I'll never love again. If I believed in soulmates—which I partly do—I'd believe Blair is mine. She will always be my forever love. I need to find this stalker for me and for Blair, if it's the last thing I do.


Arriving at Tess's house it's like any normal one, no clue or indication that she could be a menacing stalker. I walked slowly up to her front door making a mental note to try to not slap her if she is. I'm clinging on to the possibility that she might not be. I don't think she is but I need to explore all possible options.

Getting to the front door my hand hesitated to knock.Is this really the right thing to do? Yes, it has to be. I thought to myself. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door looming over me.

My best friend answered straight away, greeting me with a huge smile. A nice smile not a malicious grimace.

"Hey," I said nervously, trying to decipher whether or not she could actually be my stalker. In some weird twisted way it made some sense.

"Hi, you wanted to talk?" She replied brightly.

"Yeah, can I come in?" I asked anxiously.



I walked into her house heading to her living room like she'd instructed. Sitting down the words April had said still rang around in my head. April and I were going fine. Yes she isn't Blair but I like her. Not how I liked Blair though, no one will ever replace her. Blair is my one true love which people may not think exists but she truly is mine. My mind drifts off to a moment we spent together...

I'm currently waiting for April at the park. The air is feeling colder and colder as we're in December.

'Hey April,' I said as she walked up to me.

'Hi, sorry I'm late, I was with someone,' April replied.

'With who?' I asked curiously with a smile.

'Gareth he was trying to apologise again,' she said with a shrug.

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