Chapter twenty four

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It's Tess and April's last rehearsal before the play. Blair isn't in at the moment because she's having her cast removed. Which means I'm either a loner or sitting with my brother. I tried being a loner for a bit while eating my lunch but Kyle came over.

"Hey, do you want to join me, Marcus and our friends?"

"I don't know. Do you think it would be weird?" I asked anxiously.

"Would I be asking you if I thought it was that weird? The answer is no by the way," Kyle interjects, smiling.

"Okay thanks," I replied, grabbing my stuff walking over to their group.


They all welcomed me to the group and I ended up feeling a pang of jealousy at how easy it is for Marcus to make such good friends. Not that I don't like my friends but they all seem so bubbly and outgoing.

"Addison?" Marcus said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah sorry I get lost in my thoughts way too often," I replied sheepishly.

After that the conversation went smoothly. I had some of the same interests as them and could see why Marcus liked Kyle, he was really funny. They were both really relaxed around each other. It was really nice to see. From looking between them I could see how much they like each other...maybe even love?


During the last lesson (art) Blair came in with her cast off. I felt happy seeing her and probably looked like an idiot by how much I'm smiling. Her having her cast off is exciting. I can't wait to properly wrap my arms around her.

"Isn't it a bit pointless coming in the last lesson?" I asked as she sat down.

"I wanted to see you," she replied with a slight blush covering her cheeks.

I smiled back and explained the task we are set to do. We did a good amount of the work but did talk a lot, which the teacher was a bit annoyed about. After school Blair pulled me into the cleaners cupboard.

"How long are you grounded for?" She asked close to me.

"Until I stop being a lesbian according to my dad," I replied rolling my eyes.

"So for life?" She said, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.


Blair kissed me on the lips moving our lips in sync with each other. Her hands ran up and down my waist and back. My arms are wrapped around her neck. I gently pulled her closer, closing the distance. She kissed down my jawline onto my neck finding my sweet spot. My breathing became heavy as she kissed back up to my lips. Her lips feel soft as they move against mine, she grazes her tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance. Our tongues collided fighting for dominance but after a while I let Blair take over. Her hands went under my shirt, her fingertips grazing my bra. Pulling away she asks, "Do you want to go back to my place?" Her voice sounded raspy from being a little out of breath.

"Sorry I can't, my mum and dad are waiting for me at home today because my parents know the sex of their baby," I replied disappointed, longing to be making out with her again. Besides, I'm grounded. I can't exactly go round my girlfriend's house.

"Okay another time," she said with a wink.


We walked near my house before she stopped for a little while telling me to go just in case my dad was looking out the window waiting for me. I quickly kissed her then left.

Unlocking the front door I walked in. Mum and Dad are sitting on the sofa with Marcus sitting on one of the armchairs.

"Why are you ten minutes late?" Dad questioned sternly.

"My teacher let me out late. Last lesson was art so it all gets a bit hectic putting supply's away and stuff," I lied effortlessly.

"Okay, well sit down and we'll tell you whether you're going to be having a brother or sister."

I did as he said and sat down on one of the arm chairs happy that he believed my little white lie. My brother and I are both waiting in anticipation to know.

"So it's a...girl," my mum squealed happily.



My brother and I say In unison. We hugged her. I'm genuinely happy for them. It's just weird to think of the age difference. With everything that's been going on I can't even remember what I guessed it to be when I was chatting to Marcus. So I hope I won the meaningless bet. I do feel bad that the baby has to grow up with our dad. Part of me hopes mum sees sense and leaves him but I don't see that happening any time soon.


I went up to my room putting on a Queen album happily humming along to 'We will rock you'.

After doing a little homework my thoughts drifted off to Blair and I today. I'm so excited to see her again. The way she was holding me earlier makes me wonder if she's ready to do more. I think I am, it's just nerve racking. What if it's not how she thought it would be? What if it's not how I think it'll be?


Going downstairs for dinner I saw a letter through the door addressed to me. Shoving the letter in my pocket I went to the dinner table. Once I'd had dinner I went back to my room and took the letter into my hands.

Slowly opening the envelope I could feel my hands shaking slightly.

Dear Addison,

I'm sorry for telling your dad about you and Blair but It just couldn't go on for any longer. I also apologise for bringing your brother into this but I've got to do what I've got to do. Although I was quite disappointed that you are still going around with Blair even though you had very clear instructions to break up with her. I'm not too bothered about your brother not doing as your dad asked because he's not my problem. I just think you should do as your dad wishes. Hey and if you don't do as your Dad and I say maybe something will really happen to Blair this time...


P.s check the envelope. I guess I'll have to contact you like this considering you no longer have your phone, oops.

Opening up the envelope again I saw there is a photo inside. A photo of Blair and I's quick kiss on the way home.

I dropped the note, no longer wanting to look at it. Picking it up I quickly shoved it into a draw. I took a long hot shower and changed into my pyjamas with foxes on trying to get the feeling of the note in my hand away. My skin crawled at the thought of someone watching. Whoever it is saw me today. I checked before I kissed her. Yes it was briefly but there was no one there. I would've noticed if I saw someone I knew, right?

I need to tell Blair about this.

Maybe before the play tomorrow?

All I know is that I need to warn Blair.

Trying to clear my mind and eventually managed to fall into a restless sleep. 

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