Chapter Twenty Eight:Incounter With Kirito

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Dec 24,2023
Kira's POV
It's been one year.One year since the personality of fear appeared.Ive gotten more nightmares, mainly of me killing all of my friends and whenever I close my eyes, I see all of the dead people I killed.In total, out of the full year I've been trapped here, I've killed 23 people.The 15 men from Laughing Coffin, Zana, 5 men in the forest, and the two men at Yurfs. I haven't quite Silent Shadow but I have abandoned it.Dina, Liro, and Valar fight at the Front Lines while Zever does whatever.No one knows what he does.While they've been fighting, I've been in the Town of Beginnings, a coward afraid to get close to anyone.
I stay cooped up in the little inn Silent Shadow basically owns now.Tomorrow, on Christmas, Silent Shadow is suppose to meet up at Zion for some hot chocolate.Like a family reunion.But I don't think I can do it.Im too scared, scared of what I will do to my guild, afraid of who my next victim will be."I can't do it mother.I can't fight the personalities.They're too strong, and I'm too weak.If this is what I'm like with only three revealed, I dont think I can do it mom."I whispered with tears in my eyes.I sniffled and stood up, wobbly walking to the door, slightly swaying.
"I might as well go get some food."I whispered.In the Town of Beginnings, everything is simple. People who normally live here, live in peace and aren't that high lvled because they've never fought.I used my new red teleporting crystal.
(if you watch SAO close enough, you can use them for healing and stuff so they would disappear and you would have to buy a new one so that's why she has a new one. Just like in the ep when Kirito was almost murdered by a LC member but Asuna healed him with her teleporting crystal.)
"To Myugen."I stated.(Real town, used in ep 3) Myugen was located somewhere on the 49th Floor.I appeared at the teleporting platform in Myugen and it was snowing.After months of not smiling,I finally smiled.'I haven't seen snow in forever.' I thought while lifting my hand up to touch a snowflake.Christmas lights hung around builds and a big tree in the middle of the town was covered in bright, fluorescent lights."Its so pretty." I gasped in awe.I looked over to my right to see.......Kirito."Kirito?"I gasped, slowly walking up to him.Kirito turned and looked at me."It is you! Long time no see!"I gasped, running up to him and hugging him hard, ignoring the boy that was clearly talking to Kirito.
Kirito just blinked in confusion."Um....Who are you?"Kirito asked."Oh, It's Diviner from the Guild Silent Shadow, the first guild you ever joined.You saved my life."I said."I tend to saw everyones life......"Kirito muttered under his breath."Wait, you do remember me, don't you?"I asked. "Yeah, you were fighting the Koru Doku, weren't you?"Kirito asked.I nodded my head yes."What are you doing though?"I asked him."I was getting information on the Christmas Boss."Kirito stated."What for?"I asked.His eyes suddenly softened, making me realize that it was a sensitive subject."Oh, sorry, you don't have to tell me if it's a topic you don't want to speak of."I mumbled, regretting asking him.
He softly smiled at me."During the Summer, I joined a guild named 'Black Cats'.One of the members who were close to me die and I wan to get an item the Christmas Boss is suppose to drop.It could possibly bring her back." Kirito said, standing up."Let me help.I need to do something tonight since I've been cooped up for so long."I said. "Okay."Kirito said, walking away with me following."But I've got to warn you, since it's only the two of us, it's gonna be dangerous."Kirito called out behind him.I smirked."Don't worry, I've been in more danger than killing a Boss."
----------------Time Skip----------------
We ran into one of Kirito's friends, a man named Klein,and his guild. Right now, Kirito and I are face to face with a the Christmas Special Boss.He reminds me of one of the Americans movie characters.I believe they called him 'The Ghost of Christmas Past'.I forget what American movie it from but I know what the Ghost Of Christmas Oat looks like.And this looks similar to him. "Kirito! What out!"I screamed as the boss swung his club at Kirito.Kirito managed to roll out of the way in time. I ran behind it and stabbed my sword right in the enter of the giant, trying to slice all the way through.Kirito slashed with his black sword from the front.
The boss hit me, sending me flying into a tree."Kira!"Kirito shouted."Dobt worry about me!!! Kill the boss!!!" I screamed, struggling to stand.Kirito nodded in response.I forget what happened next but I think I blacked out since when I woke up, the boss was gone and a notification flitted in front of my face, showing me what I earned.I looked over and saw Kirito holding a black sphere and his bangs covered his eyes."What wrong Kirito?"I asked, standing up ad walking up to him."This can't save Sachi.This can't bring her back."Kirito whispered.
I looked down, feeling sorry for Kirito.'After all that hard work.' I thought.We walked back out of the warp and we found Kirito's friend, Klein, still there."Here."Kirito said, tossing Klein the sphere."If anyone dies, use this a few seconds later, it'll revive them."And without another word, Kirito and I left.
---------------Time Skip---------------
Kirito and I are stayig at an inn tonight.His room is across from mine.I creaked the door open slightly and saw a blue light illuminate the whole room. I heard soft humming of Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, followed by soft weeping.My eyes softened and I quietly closed the door.'Sachi must've been a good friend.A good enough friend for Kirito to cry over.I never saw him cry for Deibal so she must've been a good friend.'I thought, opening my bedroom door.I heard soft snoring coming from my bed.I flip on the light switch.
I blinked in disbelief."WHO ARE YOU?!"I screamed at the intruder in my bed.A teenager was rubbing their eyes, half asleep.
A/N:Who was the teen? No one knows, hehe.U will fid out next chap that will be posted on Thurs or Fri!!!And I hope all u guys wished ur fathers a happy Father's Day yesterday!!!

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