Chapter four:Old Friend or New Foe [Edited]

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A/N:My A/N's will be at the beginning or ending of chapters, only both if important, and I won't have A/N's every chapter.Enjoy and merry Christmas Eve of 2014!!
2:46 pm

Aug 27,2022

Kira's POV

Already, 2,000 people have died in this death game.I am on my way to a Floor 1 boss raid with a player named Liro.We're headed to the small arena type place were there's a meeting about to take place.

(Sorry, I'm gonna skip the whole meeting because, one, I'm too lazy right now, two I really don't wanna, and three, it'd take too long.)

"Do you want to party up together?" Liro asked.

"No.I agreed to help you but I'm solo."I said.

He looked away with a sad expression.I sighed.

I'm getting too soft.

"Fine."I muttered, sighing again.

"Yes!!!"He yelled, fist pumping the air.

Then, a screen popped up and I tapped on accept for the party request.

"I'm leaving."I said, standing up.

"Why? Everyone who's going is staying together."Liro said.

"Kid, I'm solo, and plus, I'm gonna go get something to eat." I said.

"Don't call me kid, I'm older than you!"He snapped at me playfully as I walked away.

"Whatever, kid."I called back behind me.

He pouted and crossed his arms as I looked behind me.

Time Skip

I don't want to be mixed up with the beginners.I thought, walking back to the park with two sandwiches.

"Diviner, huh."A boy said behind me.

I grabbed my sword and whirled around, the tip of the blade pointed at his heart.He gulped, pulling his arms up.

"Wait, Valar?!"I screeched, putting my sword up.

"Wait,Kira?!"Valar asked.

I nodded.

"And don't call me Kira, in this game, I'm Diviner."I resorted, turning around and crossing my arms.

"Then you'll have to call me Eclipse."Valar said.

"In your dreams, Valar."I said, smirking as I rolled the r.

"You know, I haven't seen you in what? Almost 4 months have passed since I've seen you and I'm 15 and your 14."Valar said, resting his elbow on my shoulder.

"Oh, and why is that?"I asked.

"Because I'm in grade 8,one year above you, and with homework, kendo practice, and since I'm the Tennis Team's Captain, I have certain responsibilities."Valar said.

"Wow, I never thought that you could be so responsible.And this is the first time I've heard you say a big word." I teased him.

"Oh, really? I get a lot of girls since I'm in kendo and the Tennis Team Captain."Valar said.

Then, he got that look on his face that A, he's 'bout to do or say something stupid and B, he had a idea.

"Have you fallen for me yet, by any chance?"He asked, turning to face me.He inched closer and closer to my face.

"No." I said with a stern voice and a plain face.But on the inside I screamed, Yes!

"Awe, not the, tiniest bit?"He asked, even closer.

"No."I said in the plainest, calmest voice I could muster.

"Really?"He whispered in my ear.

"People are watching."I said, turning away, unable to keep the blush from my face.

Then, Valar stood up straighter.

"Hmmm.....I guess like there's no tricking you."Valar said, grinning.I punched him in the stomach.

"What....was......that for?!"He yelled, gasping and gripping his stomach.

"That's what you get for tricking me, baka."I said, smiling with satisfaction and dusting my hands off.

Then Valar's face went serious.

"I actually came to you to ask if I could join you and that other kid in the frontline's to battle the Floor 1 boss."Valar said.

"How did you know?"I asked.

"Well, I heard a few people talk about a meeting for a group of people going to beat the first Floor boss.Then I saw you and that other boy partying up."Valar explained.

"So?"I asked.

"So, I was wondering if I could join the party."Valar said.

"Why?"I asked, knowing that there was more behind it than what he was explaining.

"Well, because I heard a Beta-Tester already made it to Floor 6 by themselves during the testing."Valar said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah,me."I said.

He looked at me both shocked and awed.

"Seriously?!"He yelled.

"Yes, and be quiet."I said, covering his mouth.

"No way!Then why are you joining a raid here on Floor 1?"He asked.

There was an awkward pause.Why am I doing this?I asked myself.

"Well, I met Liro in a Floor 1 shop and he followed me just to ask me to help him."I said.

"Oh, okay.So, you wouldn't mind helping me?"He asked.

I sighed.Another sign that I'm getting too nice and soft.

"Fine, but don't get in my way, I'm gonna go for the Boss and the bonus."I said.

He nodded.

"Meet me and the Liro guy at the little camp with the rest of the frontline."Valar said.

"Goodbye, 'Eclipse'."I said."Goodbye, Kira." He said, already jogging out of my reach.


"Call me Diviner!!!! Not my real name!!!"Yelled after him as he jogged away.

He put his hand up and made the okay sign as he continued on.I hope in the future we can still be friends.But I think he'll be torn between me, a Beta-Tester and the new players since no one likes us.I thought with a frown.

Twin Swords (Sword Art Online FanFic) [In Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora