A grim note

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"Stay out of this girl!" The man yelled, pushing the young witch to the side. He raised his wand, glaring at the boy he was battling. "Stupefy!"

"Protego! Aya!" The boy called as he ran to the girl's side. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Sebastian," the girl, Aya replied. Her hand immediately shot up to the side of her head. She had hit it on a rock, cutting it and making it bleed. "This has to stop before you seriously hurt each other. He's your uncle for goodness sakes!" Aya winced at the pain.

Before Sebastian could respond the man raised his wand once more. "Confringo!"

"Aya look out!" Sebastian cried, pushing her out of the way. "Depulso!" The spell knocked the man back. "You never cared for us, Solomon! You never cared for me or Anne! Never!"

"Of course I care for you, boy. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't care. You've gone too far. What would your parents think?"

"My parents wouldn't have given up on her! They would be looking for a cure like I have been!"

"I haven't given up on her. You have! This isn't a cure it's dark magic! You don't know what you're doing!" Solomon fell to one knee, hissing in pain. His nephew advancing closer.

"Stop it!" Aya called, standing between the two. "You're supposed to be family! Mister Sallow, he's your nephew. You've known him since birth. Sebastian, he's your uncle! He's opened his home and heart to you!"

"Aya, get out of the way." Sebastian mumbled, gripping his wand.

"No! You're family! Family doesn't attack each other or hurt each other!"

"Your friend... is right, Sebastian." Solomon lowered his head. Aya grinned, quickly turning to look at Sebastian.

"She is right," he nodded, grabbing Aya's arm and pulling her slightly behind him. "Family doesn't hurt, or attack each other. And you've done both. You attacked us, Solomon."

"I know. And I'm sorry." Tears welled in Solomon's eyes. "I'm so sorry. I love you."

Aya looked down, noticing that Solomon was reaching for his wand. Her heart sunk as she realized what he was doing. "Sebastian!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


"Get up!"

Aya groaned as a pillow was being smacked into the back of her head. She covered her head with her blanket, wanting nothing more than to fall back asleep. "Imelda, it's Saturday," she mumbled. Her mind drifted off back to the wonderful dream she was having. The details were a bit blurry, but she recalled relaxing near the lake with Highwing at her side. She was sipping a butterbeer and Highwing was enjoying some fish that Aya had bought off of a local fisherman just for the Hippogriff.

"I know it's Saturday, but it's a perfect day for flying. I've been tracking the weather patterns for the past month and today is the best day!" Imelda replied.

"Then go fly!"

"Aya!" The girl gasped as she felt a weight suddenly fall on her. Imelda had fallen on her back, dramatically sprawled out. "I can't believe my best friend has forgotten what we had agreed upon. My heart is broken!"

Aya sat up, crossing her arms. "And what did we agree upon?"

"That I would help you with your Herbology homework if you'd go flying with me on certain days. And today just so happens to be one of those certain days."

In Pain's Shadow //Hogwarts Legacy//Where stories live. Discover now