Certain death

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Halloween was fast approaching. The halls of the castle became flooded with seasonal decorations. Pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts, bats, anything that was considered spooky. Most of the professors were basing their classes around the holiday's theme. Hogsmeade was decorated to the brim as well. The residents and shop owners taking great care to make everything Halloween themed. Aya loved it.

What she loved the most was how The Three Broomsticks had been decorated. Sirona, the owner of the little pub adored the holiday just as much as the students. Entering the pub felt like entering an autumnal celebration. It was warm and cozy inside, unlike the cold weather outdoors. Scarfs we're becoming Aya's best friend.

After hearing about the visions that was prophesied to them, Aya, Sebastian and Ominis decided that going for a Butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks was the only thing that could comfort them. Sirona greeted them happily, her eyes lighting up at the sight of them.

"What a sight for sore eyes! Hello you three!" She grinned, waving her wand and summoning them some mugs. "Butterbeer I'm assuming?" She asked to which the group nodded. Sirona hummed to herself as she poured their drinks, noticing their somber looks. "You don't seem yourselves. What's the matter?"

Aya glanced to Ominis and Sebastian before explaining to Sirona everything that had happened. Aya and Sirona had become fairly close in her short time of knowing her. They had developed a best friend type of relationship, similar to her and Imelda's friendship. Sirona listened intently as Aya explained her recent experiences. The vision of Isadora, the strange type of ancient magic, and the prophesies that professor Onai had given them.

"Well," Sirona began as soon as Aya had finished her story, "sounds like you need a break." She spoke. The look she gave her was something similar of a protective older sister. "You've been dealing far too much with Rookwood's lot. You're exhausted."

The thing about Sirona was she was in fact just like a protective older sister. It wasn't uncommon to see her helping students with their homework, giving students advice, and comforting those who were having a bad day. Sirona's love for everyone else was a defining characteristic of hers. She made sure everyone was happy and safe. While Aya had never seen her fight, she was confident that Sirona could take down a dark wizard or two without a second thought.

"More than just exhausted," Aya frowned. "Sometimes I wish I didn't have these abilities." Her heart ached at her own words. Unlike what others have said, the powers were not as incredible as they seemed. They were overwhelming. Learning about them was overwhelming. Using them was exhausting. But she could never turn away from those she cared about. Her powers were important.

"Excuse me." Her eyes began burning with tears as she hurried herself out of the pub.


Evening was slowly beginning to turn into night. Eventually they would have to return to the castle. The thought of burying herself under her blankets and falling into a deep sleep was comforting Aya more than she realized. She'd be so much safer there than on the empty streets of Hogsmeade. Well, empty was a strong word.

"Well, this was much easier than imagined. Little Aya is it? Master Rookwood wants to have a word with you." Aya jumped up, drawing her wand at the three men who suddenly surrounded her. Ashwinders. "Now now, no need to fight. No harm will come to you."

"Stupefy!" Aya yelled, knocking one of the men down onto the ground.

"Petrificis totalis!" Another yelled, causing her to be unable to move. She fell into the arms of the first who laughed at her.

"Stupid girl. Hmm, I bet we could make a few Galleons off of her, don't you boys think?" He asked, grabbing her hair.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she desperately fought to wriggle out of the man's grasp. "Le- go of me!" She yelled as she was tossed into another man's arms. They laughed, shoving her back and forth whilst causing her pain. Whether it be by pulling her hair or hitting her, they made sure everything on her ached. None of the residents seemed to pay any mind to her cries as they roughed her around. Seemingly thinking it was just a group of friends messing about.

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