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Pain, lies, excuses, betrayal, distrust, fear, heartbreak. It's remarkable how a human being can feel so many emotions at once. So much pain, anger, sadness and grief for everything. Every memory was a lie. A brutal, disgusting lie. You'd feel foolish for even believing such things if the truth came out in such way to you. Anger, disgust, broken trust. All of it spewing out all at once. No feeling of freedom when it came to this. It hurt. Hurt so, so much. Why did it have to come out like this?


A week had passed since the kiss that Aya and Sebastian had shared. It hadn't been brought up once. In fact, Aya was beginning to believe Sebastian had completely forgotten about it. Classes continued as usual with just a hint of the upcoming holiday flavoring the lectures.

Halloween had arrived on a Wednesday, meaning they couldn't celebrate until classes ended for the day. Aya was currently in potions, having been partnered up with Sebastian. Ominis hadn't shown up for class that morning. He claimed he didn't feel well. Aya didn't believe him. There had been some sort of disagreement between him and Sebastian over something that neither would talk about. They were still friends, but neither wanted to necessarily speak with one another. Since then, Ominis had been "not feeling well."

"The leaves." Aya whispered, holding her hand out. The two of them had been tasked with making Wiggenweld potion. Aya was more than focused on the assignment, Sebastian however wasn't. He had constantly been losing focus and staring off as if something else was on his mind. This was one of those times. "Come on, Seb, focus please."

"Huh? Sorry, just distracted." He answered. "Dittany leaves?" They had been at it for nearly half an hour and had made this particular potion multiple times. He knew this potion like the back of his hand. So why was he asking what leaves to use?

Aya was slowly losing her patience with him as she reached over him and grabbed the leaves. "Are you okay?" She asked as she added a pinch into the cauldron.

"I found something," Sebastian began, handing Aya a bottle of Horklump juice. "Apparently Salazar Slytherin had a Scriptorium here in Hogwarts." He whispered in order to make sure Professor Sharp didn't hear. "It contains a spell book. There's a rumor it has something in it to reverse dark magic. I told Ominis about it, since then he's been upset with me. Says I'll become 'victim to dark magic' as if I plan on using it."

"Scriptorium? Sounds intriguing. Not that I'm surprised; Slytherin probably had tons of hidden areas in this damned school!" Joked Aya, sending the two of them into a fit of giggles. Aya cleared her throat then continued. "If it likely has a cure for Anne then it's worth a shot. I don't see what it'll hurt. Ominis will come around. You're best friends."

She had exaggerated the last part. Yes Ominis will come around but it won't be very easy. No worries, she could convince him. She'd done it before. Aya glanced up to make sure Professor Sharp wasn't watching before she went on. "Professor Weasley said my mother and brother could visit tonight. Would you like to meet them? Maybe it'll take your worries about Anne away for a minute."

"I'd love to!" He enjoyed the idea of meeting her family. Especially her younger brother who sounded like the kind of kid he was when he was younger. Innocent, young, loved exploring. He and Anne were a lot like Aya and William when they were younger. You didn't see one without the other. It was her mother he was worried about meeting. Her overly worried mother who could take her away from him- them whenever she pleased. If he could appear as a protective figure over Aya, which he already was, perhaps her mother would feel better about Aya being in Hogwarts. She wouldn't take her away. Away from him.


"Mum!" Aya's voice was filled with joy as she pulled her mother into an embrace. The Halloween feast had began and while others were enjoying their meals, Aya was at the entrance of the Great Hall greeting her family. She hugged her mother tightly, as if it had been years since she had last saw her. Before she knew it she was rambling on about what life at Hogwarts was like, forgetting to introduce Sebastian.

In Pain's Shadow //Hogwarts Legacy//Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя