who are you?

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I walk through the village looking at my surroundings carefully since the Lycans have taken over the village causing death and destruction to everything in their path, Mother Miranda was supposed to protect us but it seems that is no more. I hear footsteps and I quickly duck into a hiding spot observing as a man walks near with a gun, he's wearing a yellow coat, I accidentally step on a twig making him whip around pointing the gun at me "Who the fuck are you?" he yells as I put my hands up, "Im friendly! my name is y/n" he doesn't move his gun. "Where is Rose." he asks making me confused, "Rose? I don't know anyone with that name" he slowly lowers his gun. "Rose is my daughter. Sick bastards took her away from me" he says as he fully lowered his weapon. "Anyway, what the fuck is going on in this village?" he asks making me sigh, "Lycans took over the whole place, they killed everyone and everything. Mother Miranda was supposed to protect us." I explain to him, "Wait who is Mother Miranda?" he asks making my eyes widen in surprise and chuckle a bit.

"You really aren't around here huh? Well she basically is the controller of the 4 lords, and I'm gonna guess you don't know them either, 1st is Lady Dimitrescu she's a vampire that is huge and I mean 9'6 huge she lives in that huge castle, next is Heisenberg he can control magnetic fields and he controls that factory with a bunch of creepy robot stuff, then Moreau he can turn into an amphibious creature and is over by a lake sort of place, then lastly Donna she has the power to control dolls and lives at the house with all those creepy dolls hanging on trees. together they all control the village and can do whatever they desire, understand?" The man stares at me with his mouth agape and eyes widen, "They probably have Rose then. I'm Ethan by the way. You should come with me till I figure out where Rose is, the Lycans will eventually get to you too." I nod as we both start to walk.


We put the two crests into the locked gate making it open "Finally" I say as me and Ethan walk through and in front of us is a river with a bridge over it, we walk on the bridge into a rocky tunnel and we reach a room. "I don't like this, y/n," Ethan says as we enter it, "Me neither but let's just open that gate," I say pointing at a lever, and Ethan goes up to it about to pull it down, "Well Well, didn't think anyone was left!" 'oh shit its Heisenberg' "You two must be pretty tough huh?" He says as I back away closer to Ethan, "Who the fuck are you?" Ethan asks, 'Didn't I just tell this motherfucker not even an hour ago about the 4 lords?' "Oh? you're not local? even better" he says as he uses his power to stab Ethan with a metal thing. "Shit! Ethan!" I yell as Ethan drops to his knees. "Mother Mirandas gonna love you two," he says as metal starts getting thrown at Ethan covering him and knocking him out, Heisenberg laughs and starts approaching me, "Step the fuck back!" I yell, "Ooh feisty," he says before he quickly chops my neck with his hand knocking me out.

My eyes open a bit but everything is blurry, I'm high off the ground so I conclude that I'm on Heisenberg's shoulder, and I look down to see Ethan getting dragged by a chain connecting to some bars on his hands, and then everything goes black again.

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