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People gathered around the telescopes, though, Y/n and Leo were already at one. Y/n was busy looking at a star she saw in the sky, she looked focused. Leo raised his head for a moment, to sneak a look at her. They liked each other, not admitting it.

"Matt Shepherd?" Leo asked.

"What?" Y/n raised. Matt asked her to a party with him. He seemed ok, so Y/n said yes. "Oh, yeah. He's really nice, Lee."

Lee. It was her nickname for him.

"Yeah, to you, maybe." Leo said, trying to hide the jealousy.

"You guys getting some good work done here?" Their teacher asked.

"Yeah." Leo said immediately.

"Yeah, sounds like it." Their teacher snickered. "What's the bright one?"

Y/n and Leo looked through their telescopes.

"Uh, Mizar. Its a double star." Leo said.

"Good. The one next to it?"

Leo looked through the telescope again. "Uh, Alcor."

"Good, Beiderman." Their teacher complimented. "And then the one next to that?"

To this, Leo paused. He couldn't figure it out. Y/n smiled as she looked at him, thinking she knew the answer.

"I don't know." Leo said, finally.

"It's Megrez." Y/n spoke up.

"I don't think so." Leo said.

"Well, you just you didn't know."

"Well, it's not Mergez. Its-Its something else." He looks to the teacher. "Look."

Leo steps away as the teacher goes to look in the telescope. Y/n looked through hers too.

"It's south, about 10 degrees." Leo told the teacher.

"It's probably a satellite." The teacher said, raising up.  "Let's take another picture. We'll send it to Dr. Wolf."

Y/n continued to look at it through her telescope. It's obviously Megrez she thought.

"Yes, sir." Leo said as the teacher walked away.

"It's Megrez." Y/n says to Leo.

"It's not Megrez." Leo argues.

"It is."

"It's not."

Y/n let's out a light laugh as Leo goes back to looking through his telescope.

"It is." Y/n whispers.



Leo and Y/n   ¡Leo Beiderman!Where stories live. Discover now