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Welcome to "Polaroids"! This is a book that I have been working on for a bit  and plan on doing something with but, would still like for others to be able to enjoy it first without 'consequences' and for me to receive feedback.

I truly appreciate it if you are coming from one of my already published books that you have read and are here to further support me, but even if you are not a previous reader, I appreciate you all the same! I hope all new and 'old' readers can enjoy this book and continue to help me on my journey of making this--writing--my real job.

Remember to let me know your thoughts--silly and vulgar--because I truly enjoy reading them and making new connections with you all.

Once again, thank you for giving this book a chance and I hope you enjoy.

TW: Strong Language, Sexual Themes, and other sensitive and possibly triggering topics.

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