Into the Spiderverse

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A white ceiling. Your vision was fuzzy as you tried to focus on the clean white wall above. You rub your eyes to adjust to the dark lit room. The pounding in your head was irritating. You peered around the room you were in.

'A hospital room?'

Propping yourself you turned to face the large window that took up one of the walls of the room. A massive city with bustling cars and neon lit signs illuminated the night. The skyscrapers were the size of mountains, the highways whipped around structures in obscure loops and turns. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie, incredible. On the ground floor outside of the building there were people walking in and out with lab coats and... familiar red and blue suits.

You grabbed your head, trying to make sense of what you were seeing.

'What is this? What's happening? Am I seeing Spidermen out there? Did I die?!' you started to panic. You tried recalling what you last saw.


'No, Peter.'

'That alien.'

'The girl!'  you gripped your hair.

'The girl in the white, black, and pink suit! She said she would help me. Where the hell did she take me?! Where is she?!'

You jumped out of the bed and immediately collapsed. Vulgar swears dripped out of your mouth as you pushed yourself off the ground. You look down at yourself. 'Oh that's right'. You wore a hospital gown that reached your thighs. Your knee was locked in a futuristic looking brace with little orange LED lights.

You didn't feel any pain shockingly. Especially considering your entire bone was sticking out of your skin a few hours ago... or maybe days ago. You aren't sure how long you've been out. Panic started to set in again as your eyes darted to the door of the room.

'I have to get out of here. I have to get home! I have to find Peter! '

You limped toward the door grabbing anything you could on the way for support. It automatically slid open as you reached it. You walk out to see a huge open lobby glowing a warm yellow in the middle of the building. There has to be at least forty floors. Every floor peers out over the lobby with massive glass windows encasing the hallways. The walls are pristine white with blue LED strips running along the corridors. The center of the lobby formed a shape... a spider.

Your eyes are wide. Your hands are shaking uncontrollably. You immediately caught the attention of some lab coats, they froze in the hall as they watched you.

'Keep it together, keep it together! Just find a way out and-'

A red covered hand grabbed your shoulder turning you around to face something you were definitely not ready to see.


"Hey, you alright?" he asked in a friendly tone.

Your heart dropped.

'No. This isn't real, I saw him-' your thoughts were cut from your rushing heartbeat. You threw his hand off of you and sprinted. Lab coats sprung out of the way and yelped as you ran threw the hall. The knee brace caused you to stumble and you pushed off of the walls to keep your momentum. You heard countless screams as you shoved past groups of scientists.

"ANOMALY! ANOMALY IN SECTOR 16 LEVEL 3!" a man shouted.

"CALL O'HARA!" a woman screamed.

"I'm on her!" you recognized the imposter Spiderman's voice.

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