Day 4: Scuba diving

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Keith couldn't stop watching her as she swam among all those fish and all those corals, moving her body in an elegant and refined dance so that she looked like a goddess. He had never seen her so in tune with herself and marine nature, moving her arms and legs as tropical species of fish enveloped her. Her beautiful brown hair was loose and flowing, making it look soft and silky and he wanted to stroke it endlessly. A little while later she swam to the surface to catch her breath, but she danced back to an unseen slow pace. Every time she turned around he could see her smile, that beautiful smile of hers on those soft lips that he so wanted to kiss.

He came up with the idea of coming out of his hiding place behind the rock full of corals and algae to accompany her in that underwater dance that intrigued him, but probably would have only annoyed with his heavy oxygen tanks and his fins, so he he just looked at her again and again.

At one point he saw her turn and stare at the rock where he was hiding, smile and float to the surface and then disappear from her view. Two thin, soft arms wrapped around his torso as he turned to meet her beautiful brown eyes. She wasted no time in approaching him and giving him a kiss where the mask's mug was, teasing him, to then swim around him like a magnificent mermaid and return to the surface...

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