Chapter 1

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I'm done.

I'm sick and tired of everything.

I don't even remember if I have anything to live for? It was all stuck in the past. Nothing was left for the present. And by the looks of it, there'll be a short future.

I'm supposed to be a hero, yet I've let everybody down. I'm a horrible hero.

I'm supposed to be a friend, yet I've let them become trapped within Lila's web of lies. I'm a horrible friend.

I'm supposed to be their 'everyday ladybug', yet I've failed to save them from the damage they've done to their futures. I'm a horrible person.

I'm supposed to be a daughter, yet as I'm looking out from my balcony, I can't recall the last time my parents told me they were proud of me. I'm a horrible daughter.

There was nothing left for me. Nothing in this life or the next that could save me from what I needed to do.

I had finally made up my mind, and jumped.

5 hours before

Everyone crowded around Marinette's desk wondering when the bluenette would be back from lunch when the door opened revealing their former friend and class president.

Marinette walked into class and winced at all of the hateful glares thrown her way. She pushed through the crowded people to get to her desk only to see her design book and all of the contents of her bag strewn across the table. Every design she ever thought of was ripped out and torn to pieces or maimed with hurtful words saying 'liar', 'ungrateful', 'failure', 'talentless', or 'kys'.

Marinette stared at the mess with desperation. Desperate to wake up from this 3 month long nightmare. Desperate to have everything just the way it was before Lila showed up. Desperate to cry right then and there. She wanted to cry like it was an exhale in her already crowded mind. She wanted to get rid of all the tears. She wanted to march right up there and tell her tears they were being evicted for not paying rent. Okay, maybe not the last one, but she wanted to get everything over with and cry without anyone seeing.

She thought she was pushed over the edge before, but now, she was falling from the edge with no one who was willing to jump down and save her from the dangers of her own thoughts.

"I-I still don't understand why you'd do something like that, Marinette!" Lila cried into Alya's arms.

"How could you, dudette."

"I thought you were better than this."

"So not cool."

"What happened to you."

"You're pathetic, Marinette."

"You're lower than HawkMoth."

"You know what, Marinette? I hope you listen to the words we wrote on the designs you stole from Lila," Alya looked me dead in the eye. "I hope you kill yourself."

I turned on my heel and ran from the class and out the doors only to bump into Mdm. Bustier.

"Marinette? I think we need to talk about the situation you're in right now."

"Really? Of course, Madam Bustier." I looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

"Good. Your parents are waiting in M. Damocles' office."

"Yes, ma'am." I followed her to the office with a lighter spirit only to be met with hatred and disappointed stares as soon as the door opened.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Maman yelled causing me to wince.

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