Chapter 4 - From Human to Shadow

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Yet another busy day was beginning to draw to a close. The store wasn't particularly busy, only having half a dozen or so customers browsing the aisles. Still, the four employees that were currently on the clock worked diligently at their assigned task. Two worked the checkouts, feigning a smile as they scanned each customers goods, sighing with relief as they mentally shooed them out of the building only for another to walk in and take their place. One hurriedly stocked the shelves, a job that should have been assigned to another employee who had cast her duties aside for another purpose. Finally, the fourth cleaned the floors, ensuring that every last bit of dust was removed and the tiles shone brighter than a diamond.

Working here wasn't fun nor was it rewarding, however they simply had to put up with it or face Steven's wrath. One mistake, no matter how small it may be, would bring down the steel hammer of punishment upon them, putting their very livelihood on the line. Little did they know that their fear of Steven was completely unfounded this time around. Steven couldn't punish them even if he wanted to. Right now, he was in the office down on his knees, offering words of praise and admiration to a girl who had utterly crushed him. He had been put in his place, a piece of filth under the foot of a superior being. He was never meant for the role of manager. A job ordering others around didn't fit him; a job where he did as he was told like a dog fit him.

You see, there was supposed to be a fifth employee working in the store today. At first she didn't show up, however she eventually made her way to work only to disappear into the office and never come out. Only half an hour ago she was sat in her bosses chair, fingering herself to an orgasm as he sucked on her perfectly manicured toes. While her co-workers grated themselves to the bone all for nothing, she got herself off as her boss offered his mind and soul to her. All while the other employees, people who by all means should have been equals to her, toiled away like robots, Lyra watched as their manager gave her everything. All she needed to do was sit back and watch as the store, and by extension them, fell under her ownership.

The thrill she felt as she watched Steven sign away his life right in front of her; the sound of her heartbeat in her ears was deafening. Her teeth instinctively bit down on her lip as the pen flicked, officially declaring her as the owner of the establishment. Legally, Lyra was now the superior of everyone who worked in the store. Not that she really cared for the law anymore, she just found the thought extremely tantalising. Not only was the former boss under her thrall, but her co-workers now had no choice but to obey her every order.

"Good boy." she praised in a condescending fashion as Steven passed her the form. For a second, she stared at it barely able to comprehend what she was seeing. Only a few days ago she was at rock bottom, but now she had taken his business away from him. She couldn't help but sigh with satisfaction as she filed the piece of paper away in a drawer, lost in a stack of at least a dozen pieces of paperwork that held no relevance.

At first, Lyra was at a loss as to what she should do. She didn't have any experience running a business, so she wasn't sure where to even begin. Instead, she kicked her feet up on the desk whilst her new pet knelt on the carpet patiently, awaiting his owners next order.

"That's a start." she said to herself, swinging around the chair to face Steven. Her eyes gleamed with the desire to humiliate him, as well as a faint hunger for even more control than she already had, "Get out there and tell them I'm the boss now."

"Of course, mistress."

Diligently rising to his feet, Steven hurried out of the office and into the store. With significantly less arrogance on display than usual, he strode over to the front tills where two customers were being served. His arm reached around the back of the third checkout, pressing the button which signalled the intercom to activate.

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