Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Harry woke to find a body next to his; he turned expecting to see Jules laying next to him, but was shocked to see Kylie’s hazel eyes stare back at his.

‘Shit’ he thought ‘What the fuck did I do last night?’

Harry couldn’t remember much, he had argued with Jules and then went and got smashed, he could remember Kylie flirting with him and them coming back to his, but what did they do?

Harry looked down to find a pair of underpants on him. They mustn’t have done much if he still had that covered. He had a flashback of coming into his apartment; Kylie held his body keeping him up and made the way down the hall with him.

“I hate you.” He whispered as she led him to his bed. She just nodded her head and helped him into bed stripping him down. That was the last he could remember from there his mind went black.

Harry heard a knock at the door of his apartment and quickly lifted himself from his bed. He looked down at Kylie who had her eyes opened and was looking at him as he rose from the bed. She stared at his abs tense as Harry raised himself. Harry threw on a pair of grey sweats and walked down the hall to his front door. He unlocked the door and was shocked to see blue eyes staring up at him.

“Hey” he smirked. Jules eyes trailed down Harry’s body, as she saw that he was wearing no shirt, his muscles were evident, from his arms to his abs. She looked up, as she realized she had been caught checking him out. Harry winked causing her to blush.

“Hi, em I just-“ Before Jules could say anything more, Kylie came to the door wrapping her arms around Harry’s torso and giving Jules a wicked smile.

“Hey Jules, Harry when are you coming back to bed?” Kylie whined. Harry looked down at the girl and she saw darkness come to his eyes.

“Give us a minute Kylie!” Harry snapped.

Kylie walked back towards the bedroom and smiled to herself.

“Jules I, Well it’s not what it looks-“ Harry was interrupted.

“It doesn’t matter it’s not like we were dating or anything, anyways I just came to give you your clothes back and just to tell ya that I don’t think we should hang out anymore.” Jules looked up into Harry’s green eyes and saw the sadness behind them. She wanted to kiss him and tell him she was always here, but she couldn’t she had to end it now before things got too serious and one of them got really hurt.

Harry took the clothes from Jules arms.

“Thanks” he said as Jules turned to leave. “Wait” he continued grabbing her arm to spin her around. “Please can we just forget about last night Jules?” he pleaded with her.

She shook her head from side to side. “No Harry it’s for the best.” And she turned walking away from Harry. Tears sprung to her eyes as she thought about how perfect her life had seemed 24 hours ago, and how much she hated it right now.

Harry watched Jules as she walked away and turned. Anger running through his body, he walked down the hall throwing the clothes Jules had given to him on the floor of his bedroom as he opened the door. He walked up to Kylie who was getting dressed and walked angrily towards her, pushing her up against the wall.

“Why the fuck do you have to ruin my life?” Harry shouted into Kylie’s face. He saw the fear in her eyes as she realised just how angry he was.

“I didn’t ruin anything for you Harry, you’re the one that can’t keep a girl for more than a month.” She shouted back. Harry’s grip on Kylie’s arm tightened and she whimpered in pain.

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