Chapter 1

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In a dark alley, on a dark night, in a dark town, in the dark world, stood five bright friends shrouded in darkness (if you can believe it). In front, leading the group, was the white coated furry prince, the only one who seemed even remotely acquainted with this strange part of town.

Susie: Uh, Ralsei? Remind me, what's so special about this damn place?

Ralsei: I don't know!

Taking a break from the usually submissive role they played in the team's escapades, Ralsei was taking point in the exploration of the castle-town the rest thought they knew. Their leadership was far from inspiring.

Noelle: You don't, know?

Ralsei: Not a clue! No one in town does.

Susie: Well then why are we wasting our time!?

Noelle and Susie were the two closest to the front, right behind their fluffy guide. Both could only stare at one another in bewilderment of the apparent goose chase they'd be led on.

Ralsei: Well, you guys being lightners, I thought it might make more sense to you...

Susie: So a shack with wheels or whatever shows up in town, big deal! Weird stuff is always happening here anyway so, why's it our issue now?

Suddenly, a blue feathered wing found itself lying on the shoulder of the tense dinosaur, the owner of which came prepared with snide remark.

Berdly: Pardon me if I'm speaking out of line my dear Susie, but could it perhaps be you are afraid of the dark?

Susie quickly turned around and hoisted the bird by its neck, much to the shock of Ralsei, the joy of Noelle, and the indifference of Kris.

Ralsei: Susie!

Susie: I'm not afraid of anything, bird boy.

Berdly: o-of course of course! What a ridiculous suggestion it was to make, that the fearless, all powerful, death defying Susie could possibly be afraid of the dark! Oh, how silly of me!

Susie: That's right. Very silly.

Berdly: Now, if perhaps, you might let me go after my egregious mistake?

Susie chuckled while Berdly's legs and arms failed in the air.

Susie: I don't know, I think in the sky is where you belong.

Noelle: Susie! While it's great that you're standing up for yourself, and not getting all chummy with Berdly when he insults you like you often do even when someone so much better is by your side, that doesn't mean you should hurt him!

Ralsei: Uhm, she's right! Mostly, I think? Wait what was that part about, doesn't matter, what matters is that hurting friends is wrong Susie!

Berdly: Yes! Yes exactly, taken from mine heart, if my pleading is of no value than take that of my antler adorned friend!

Susie: Ugh, fine.

Susie disappointedly dropped the flightless bird like a bag of bricks.

Susie: Now can we keep moving, Ralsei?

Ralsei: But Berdly...

Susie: He'll be fine. Now keep. Moving.

Ralsei, fearing their own attachment to the ground after Susie's recent display, heeds the demands of the purple dinosaur. While the rest of the group moves forward, Kris stays behind to check upon Berdly, struggling to find air.

Berdly: Kris, you mustn't worry about me, I've suffered through many of Susie's abuses. In fact, I might say it's the only consistency within all our escapades, that I am left at her mercy.

Kris shakes their head, wrapping their arm around Berdly's shoulder and raising him to his feet.

Berdly: Ow! My legs still hurt. But, thank you, Kris. Grah that brute, one day her hotheaded, savage nature will catch up with her! And on that day, I'll be laughing.

On this day it was Kris who laughed at their friend's fantastical delusions.

Berdly: You laugh now mon ami, but just you see!

The two abandoned compatriots stood still, for a few moments. Both with eyes locked in with the others, both fearing what they might see but incapable of escaping their reflection.

Berdly: Y'know, Kris, I, feel as though a heavy air has now, encapsulated this interaction, we really ought to rejoin our friends-

Kris lets not a word further escape from the bird's mouth, placing a finger on his beak. They quietly observe the panting, nervous, sweating avian as though they were an exhibition at a zoo. They grab them by their shoulders, and then...

Susie: Hey! Are you going to keep us waiting love bird?

Berdly twists themselves 90 degrees to see Susie, Noelle, and Ralsei all looking at him and Kris from a distance.

Berdly: Love bird? M-my, what a preposterous thing to call myself, Berdly, surely you mean not to suggest that I find myself in love, a truly idiotic assumption as my only amour is the grind, something which brute you may be I would expect you to know!

Susie: What're you talking about? I said blue bird.

Ralsei: Yeah, what were you saying about love?

Berdly: N-not a thing! Nothing at all my fair Ralsei, oh I must've simply misheard, uhm, we're coming!

Berdly, both mad and embarrassed, grabbed Kris' hand and sprinted towards the rest of their friends, wanting to return to the comfortable clutches of Susie's beatings over wading in the awkward blunder he'd just made. Although his panting reintroduction was far from seamless, the group treaded onwards, and onwards, and onwards.

Noelle: You're sure it's not much further, right Ralsei?

Ralsei: No, it shouldn't be! Why?

Noelle: Well, it's just that...

Ralsei: What?

Susie: It's just that we've been walking for what feels like hours now! I didn't even know the dark world was so big!

Ralsei: Well, it's true the housing industry has seen a big boom, but I promise, this time I mean it!

And as they turned the final corner, Ralsei was vindicated, as he stumbled upon the sight, the mystical, impossible to explain object that had plopped itself in an otherwise perfectly normal dark world. And now he would be enlightened.

Ralsei: Here it is!

Everyone else was confused, though.

Noelle: Oh! It's uhm, wow Ralsei, you were right! It's crazy...

Ralsei: I know right? So now you guys can see why I brought you here.

Noelle: Oh yeah! It's really clear...

Susie: Alright, Noelle is too nice to say it but, it's just a house Ralsei.

Berdly: Indeed. Throughout this excursion we've seen many homes, I fail to see what is supposedly so noticeable about this one.

Ralsei scratches their head, feeling as though they're the only one recognizing the home for what it is.

Ralsei: Is it? But it's so different!

Susie: Yeah, from these Dark World homes. But in the Light World, it's normal.

Ralsei: I see... but, still! Isn't it weird that a home from the Light World is here?

Noelle: I guess?

Ralsei: And these symbols on this, thing! I spent hours trying to understand them, what do they mean?

Ralsei points towards a rectangular, metallic box on top of a stick.

Berdly: That would be a mailbox, Ralsei. And those would be numbers. They read, "308...

Walt: Negra Arroyo Lane.

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