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They were all at home, the Yakuzas had returned at their home and Stiles and Derek put down their coat, the komicho put his keys down and Derek went up to his room with a furious look. He threw his tie on his bed, took off his shirt rudely and put on a t-shirt. Stiles' behavior had never annoyed him so much in a long time. Stiles joined him, wondering where the pack was.

Stiles: Hey, do you know where the others went?

The wolf nodded his head, low.

Stiles: Are you okay? You don't look good.

Derek: Of course I'm not well!

He got up quickly.

Derek: You treated me like a dog in front of about fifty people! You humiliated me!

Stiles: I didn't humiliate you since I treat all people poorer than me like that!

Derek: So it's worse, you don't consider me your equal.

Stiles: Yes, well, no... just when I'm with other people.

Derek: And what was the cigarette thing?

Stiles: I smoke.

He sighed as he took his head.

Derek: Never treat me like that again.

Stiles: It's gonna happen Derek.

Derek: NO. No, it will never happen again.

The komicho shrugged his shoulders, took a cigarette, held it between his fingers and sat on an office chair.

Stiles: Other complaint or comment?

Derek: Yes, the yakuzas told to me how you treated them.

Stiles: Oh yeah, what did they say?

Derek: They said you were violent and not careful.

Stiles: Violent yes, but not much than others. And then I'm careful, I always have security near me.

Derek: And at the casino, you did nothing to stop Sato from killing Akemi and you didn't even lift a finger to protect him.

Stiles: Because we can't die.

Derek: He knows that we have to shoot in the head to kill a supernatural creature. Maybe behind the bench where you were sitting comfortably not helping your friend, there were five armored assassins who would have shot you in the head.

Stiles: But I got out of it, I've always been out of it for a long time, and all the people who try to stop me will end up killed.

Derek: S... Stop.

A hoarse voice replaced that of Stiles.

Stiles: Derek, I will protect you, I will kill everything in my way for you to live. If I have to torture them, I will do it.

Derek: S... Stop talking like that.

Stiles: Talk how?

Derek: As if you were going to hurt everyone around you.

Stiles: It's because of the Nogitsune.

Derek: No, I know you're the one who has these ideas.

He was going to reply but he heard a scream, Derek turned to the door at the same time as him and he rushed down the stairs. They followed noises of agony and complaint.

Stiles: It comes from the basement.

To the down floor, they saw the whole pack panicked, they seemed to wait for Stiles to arrive. Indeed, they all explained to him at the same time what was happening.

Stiles: Shut up! Not all at the same time.

Scott: Kira is pregnant, we knew it today! We didn't even sleep together!

Stiles advanced towards her, the fox was lying on the sofa and was holding back from shouting. Kira had a round belly and a more voluminous chest. Lydia was close to her and was preparing medication for her.

Derek: It seems to be coming soon.

Kira: NO, NO, NO. It won't happen!

She shouted and clenched her teeth.

Derek: Since when has she been pregnant?

Lydia: She had pregnancy symptoms since the fight against Tomio...

Isaac: She wanted to stay in the basement and asked not to come and see her all day.

Scott: This morning she seemed to be doing well and had no clue that she was pregnant.

Stiles: And like idiots you didn't go to see her all day!

Malia: We didn't think she would be pregnant!

Derek: And why didn't she tell them?!

Kira: Because I didn't want them to worry! I don't know who the father is, or I don't remember him anymore!

She growled between her teeth, Stiles think and remembered that he had "raped" Kira. So he was the father.

Lydia: Everything she vomited was black and she didn't look pregnant this morning, it's really weird.

Scott listened to her pulse, it was slow, very slow, and yet she was in panic and was suffering. Kira sighed and seemed a more relieved.

Kira: M... My waters broke.

She got up painfully and panicked when she saw a translucent and black-stained liquid.

Kira: We need a doctor, I can't stay here.

Derek: It's too late, it's coming soon.

Isaac: And you're going to stain the whole floor.

She sat on the floor and everyone put cushions under her and blankets. Scott took her hand and tried to relieve her. Lydia breathed her fresh air with a fan. Stiles knelt next to her and waited for the baby to come out.

Scott: Everything will be fine, it will be painless...


Lydia: It will be a beautiful little baby.


In fact, it wouldn't surprise Stiles, according to all the black liquid on the floor, it wouldn't be a baby coming out of there. In addition, he did not hear any child's cry.

Derek: It's now!

Stiles looked at her and saw her cheeks and hands light up.

Stiles: Get down!

Everyone, except Scott, was hiding behind furniture, protecting themselves from blazing lightning that Kira threw while shouting.


Everything stopped, the floor covered with a black brand of electric burn, the sofas torn by the shock of lightning... It was a chao filled in a nervous silence. Scott was covered with burning, his eyes fixed, he lay down on the floor. Stiles took his head out from behind a table that had fallen before. He looked at Kira, like everyone else, and approached her. The fox looked stunned and on the verge of fainting, which was quite understandable. Derek looked at the thing that was supposed to come out of Kira.

Derek: What is this thing.

Malia: Did she have a baby or not?

The shadow who follows him/L'ombre qui le suit [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now