Teenage Dreamers:A Roc Royal Love Story

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                                                                        how we met

leslie pov

ooo im about to DIVE inn.

leslie-*i hit the alarm clock.o great i have to go to my new school.today is my first day as a 9th grader.i got up and took a shower.i decided to go covered up.i thought i looked cool.i grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs listening to my ipod.my mom saw me and shook her head.*what?

mom-who are you going to attract with that on?

leslie-no one hopefully.*she shook her head and we got in her bmw.she drove me to school and i sat on the steps.everyone was outside chilling.i was listening to my ipod and singing to myself.i looked up and saw this girl walk by with a guy behind her.the boy was really cute.i shook my head and looked at my ipod.i heard a bell ring.i turned my ipod off and lined up.the guy was the principal.he walked up to me and looked around me.he kept walking down the line and saying somethings i naturally dont care about.after he was done speaking we went inside and i went to my locker.i walked in my first period and saw a whole bunch of kids.one stood out though.it was the boy from outside.he was talking to some guys now.i looked down and sat in a chair.the teacher came in and put up a chart.*

teacher-my name is mrs.travis.this is your seating chart.go find your seat.*everyone got up and looked at it.i found my seat was next to the guy from outside.i looked at the desk and i felt eyes on me.i turned my head and i saw him move his.*ok im going to do roll.*she started shouting names and i looked at everyone to put names to faces.*chresanto.

*****-here.*i looked at him and of course he had to have a sexy name too.*


leslie-here.*everyone looked at me and i felt weird but whatever.all my morning classes went by smoothly for the most part.at lunch i sat with some girls in most of my classes.we all started talking and i had fun with them.a few minutes later chresanto walked over to me.*hi.

chresanto-hi.my name is chresanto but i go by roc royal or roc.

leslie-well my name is leslie but i go by lizzie.*he smiled and i fell in love with it.*

roc royal-well lizzie can i have your number?

leslie-why?*he shrugged.*

roc royal-you seem cool.*i nodded my head and gave him my number.he smiled and walked away.the girls looked at me and smiled.i looked down and continued talking to them.after school i took the bus home.when i got home i started doing my homework and then i listened to my ipod.*

once upon a time a few mistakes ago i was in your site you got me alone.


*****-hi.its roc.

leslie-hi.i forgot i gave you my number.

roc royal-thats really sad.*i giggled and we kept talking for about 2 hours.i had to hang up because my mom told me to.i helped her cook dinner and we talked to each other with my older sister erica.after dinner i went to bed and i got a text from roc.it said 'see you tomorrow:)'.i said'see ya then:)'i stripped and put my pj clothes on.i smiled and laid in bed.my first day and already have a cute guys number.i think im gonna like it here after all.*

thats leslie>>>>>>>>>>>>look in the external link. 

Teenage Dreamers:A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now