°•☆chapter one: The portal☆•°

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____________[Pov: No one]_____________


Gold was walking around in the freezing cold from the mountain trying to find the secret "hidden" portal they have made a while back it leads to the Twilight forest that the krew checks on once In a while the Twilight forest is dangerous in Krew's opinion.

Gold made her way over to the side of the mountain that krew's town lives on and grabs her diamond pickaxe and breaks though the hard cobblestone the wall breaks open the cobblestone falls onto the ground waiting to get picked up or rebuilded the smoke that comes out from the now cave makes her cough she walks into the smoke and into the cave waiting for the smoke to clear.

Around 5 seconds later all the smoke disappeared and Gold looks down to find the portal that leads to the Twilight forest...but...something different..? it looks weird Gold probably should go tell her siblings about her new discovery.

__________[Pov: Lunar]___________


I was just reading in the krew's house waiting for the midnight to come so I can go on my daily night walk around krew town my other siblings (Rainbow , Draco and Funneh) was talking in the kitchen about something I didn't bother to listen to but then my older sister Gold came running though the door with a loud slam while opening it making me look up from my book I was reading finally Gold shuts the door quickly behind her self to not let those villages in or hear.

I look over at my other siblings in the room all of them having a confused look on their faces and I had the same look and then I look over at the one that just came in she had a nervous look on her face I can see it. After a couple seconds of silence all waiting for the other one to say something finally the oldest one in the room starts to speak.

"Hmm..? Gold what's wrong what happened..?" The pink hair one said with a bit of a concerned and confusion on her face she goes quiet waiting for the one she just called out to speak.

"Ok ok so I was going to check up on the Twilight forest portal but when I got a look at it.. it was different..?" Gold's face went from nervous to worried as she continues to speak she looks over at me and then Rainbow the oldest one.

I stood up and walk over to Draco my twin and stood next to him as he was giving me confused looks and I was doing the same.

"When you say it was different what do you mean?" The youngest said to Gold not really caring that must and doesn't really find this worrying I know him the best he will only really care if he knows what it is I don't know why. Draco was staring at Gold waiting for her to answer Funneh walk over to Gold and put a hand on her shoulder trying to reassure her Gold then let out a short sigh and look over at everyone that was in the room.

"Ok so I don't really know but it was more purple then normal if that makes sense but the water in it was moving a lot and I swear I heard talking fr-" Before Gold can finish her sentence I interrupt her.

"What do you mean!? it has only been the 5 of us (except the "npcs") in this server it would be impossible for anyone else to be in this server!?" I shouted louder then I shouldn't have i felt a bit bad for interrupting Gold but i needed to say something before she can continue but I was confused to.. maybe Gold is trying to do lore and didn't tell us but we have never really done lore or rp.

"Lunar you know we are not allowed to interrupted someone!" Rainbow look at me with a mad look she never really like it when people interrupted someone else she finds it rude I can't blame her I would be mad If someone kept interrupting me over time.

I say a quick sorry but it was really a noise I just hope she hears it as a sorry. Funneh takes her hand off Gold's shoulder and smiles at her.

"You can continue Gold." Funneh smiles at her again happily and Gold smiles back and then she sighs again and speaks again without me interrupting.

"So yes I was hearing voices from the portal someone could be in the Twilight forest but I don't know for sure.." Gold puts her head down for a second before looking back at all of us I heard Draco let out a sigh I look at him now he was worried after being told what happened.

"Like I always say we should go investigation it so we can see what has happened with it" Draco speaks as he walks over to the front door pushing Gold gently to the side to get to the door as she was still in front of it Draco opens the door letting all the cold air get in but waits there and looks at all of us.

"Anyone else coming?" Draco asks all of us with a confused but confidence look and Funneh looks at all of us and nods and we nod back to. Draco let's out a small giggle and leads us outside as we follow him behind we walk down the icely and slippery stairs that leads us all the way down to the bottom of the tall part of the mountain. we walk all over the really flesh snow making our footprints into the ground and we make our away over to the side of the mountain and into the open portal room we had a look at the portal and it was exactly like what Gold had said it was more purple and the water was moving a lot we didn't hear any voices though Draco looks at us and I knew he wanted to go though and I did to but i didn't know about the others.

"So are we all going to jump though it?" I ask as I look over at all my siblings wondering if that would be the last time I see them if we jump though the portal but i didn't have time to react as Gold gets pushes into the portal on the floor by Funneh and she falls into it disappearing with a purple gags coming out she shouts before she disappeared and I look over at all of them as Funneh jumps right in Rainbow follows and I jump right after not knowing if Draco ever Jumped....


Hello that's the end for this chapter thanks for reading if you did! Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or If I use the wrong word I type fast and I don't really know how to spell some words anyway 1180 words!

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