Chapter 5

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Alaqua Finesse is a woman of many things: a mother, a wife, a guide, a friend, and so much more. Everyone in town loves her and only has positive comments when her name is mentioned. The dark beauty attributes these positive remarks to one thing.

The fact that she is a seer.

These beings are rare. They can be given glimpses of the future, and the name of someone, and they can know how important a person is. In hundreds of years, no one has seen or heard of a seer in Sacauménos. No one knows that Alaqua Finesse is a seer either. She can never tell anyone, not until the time is right.

Alaqua found out when she met her husband twenty-two years ago. The day before Percy and Alaqua met, the latter had a vision of a young man saving her from harm's way. She brushed it off, chalking it up to her daydreaming. The next day, however, as Alaqua was walking through her town, two men attempted to rob her. The man in her vision, Percy, stopped them and the rest is history. After processing what had happened, Alaqua realized that she was given the gift of being able to see the future. Since then, she has been able to foresee a multitude of things and act accordingly to what she believes is the best outcome.

Reza meeting Alaqua was no coincidence. The previous night, the woman was given a vision of a girl coming to Cerebrosus. Alaqua knew that Reza was important, but did not know why. She felt that the only way to ensure Reza's safety was to take her in.

Both Reza and Alaqua grew close to one another and Reza considers Alaqua to be a second mom. It felt like she always knew what Reza was thinking and gave her the best advice. Their bond scares Reza. Despite telling herself that she wouldn't get attached to people in Cerebrosus, Alaqua and Marlena have wormed their way into her heart and she knows that when she leaves for the Methodical world, she'll miss them dearly.

No longer wanting to think about the people she'll miss when she leaves, Reza gets up from her bed and heads down the stairs. She ventures off toward the kitchen and walks out the back door. Once in the garden, Reza takes a seat and pulls out her stationery. She tries to think of something to write, but cannot think of anything. Marlena hasn't spoken to her since Reza left the Milagrese residence. Reza admitted that asking Xander, despite her aversions to him, was a good idea and that she would. However, Reza still did not want her one and only friend to travel with her. Marlena protested and tried to get Reza to see it from a logical standing, but the stubborn girl refused to even entertain the idea of Marlena going. They eventually parted ways and haven't spoken since (two days).

Marlena, Reza starts, I'm sorry, but I cannot be the reason you get hurt or harmed. I know how much your father cares about you. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I was the reason you got hurt. I plan on leaving tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know. I also want to say thank you for being such a great friend to me. If it wasn't for you, I would still be relying on the Finesse family for everything. If this is the last time I get to communicate with you before I go home, I just want to say, goodbye and once again thanks for being the best friend a girl could ask for.



The Finesse family is all gathered in the living. The triplets are playing together on the floor, Roni sits on the couch reading a book, Percy and Alaqua are on the loveseat having a conversation, and Xander is nowhere to be seen. Reza sits on the recliner and watches the children play some board game. "Reza, do you want to play too?" Darius asks confidently. It had taken a while for him to warm up to the girl from a different world, but he grew to enjoy her company, just as the rest of the family did.

"No, it's okay. I'll play with you guys another time." Reza replies, giving a gentle smile. Hurt flashes before her eyes and she quickly looks away from the kids. She was truly going to miss this. The Finesse family had taken her in and she felt so welcomed. It almost felt like she dreaded going home. That couldn't be the case though. On the contrary, Reza was constantly thinking about how she needed to get back to her original home. It had been about a month since her arrival in Cerebrosus and she knew that the money previously saved up would be gone in two months.

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