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Emerson yawned as she sorted donated clothes into their proper bins. She liked slow monotonous work, it kept her crazy brain calm.

"These are so ugly," Leighton scrunched her nose at the look of the donated clothes.

"Leighton, they're helping people get off the streets and into homes." Alicia shook her head. She'd really been trying to get Leighton into this whole women's center thing.

"Anyway," Tova cleared their throat, "would you want to come to drag queen trivia with us tonight?" They asked, looking toward where Leighton and Emerson stood.

"I'm going to Theta-lympics and Emerson has no choice but to go with me." Emerson raised an eyebrow.

"You're lucky I like to get drunk," Emerson murmured.

An uncomfortable silence settled over the group, causing Leighton to speak up.


"It's just that, frats can be total sexist horror houses." Emerson responded, knowing that Alicia would probably have gone off on a rant and gotten into another fight with Leighton.

"She's right, that's why we've been trying to get rid of Greek life for over a year," Alicia explained.

"They actually do a lot of good! Theta built a house in Mexico one time." Leighton grinned proudly.

"Because they burnt it down,"

Leighton sputtered at the statement. "Have the rest of you guys even been to a frat party?" Leighton asked, putting down the pair of shorts she'd been holding.

"Well, no." Alicia scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"Then aren't you guys making a judgmental assumption?" Leighton smiled at Emerson, who'd been trying to teach her beneficial and respectful language.

"If that's true, then why don't we come?" Alicia challenged. Leightons' smirk dropped off her face.

"No, you really don't have to, enjoy drag queen trivia!"

Emerson felt a smile pull her lips as she watched the situation unfold.

"No, we insist. We'll be there." Alicia had determination written all over her face and Leighton knew there was no way to stop her from going.

"Okay, if that's what you want."

"Oh, it is."

Emerson laughed the whole walk home. Leighton loved the sound of her laugh, so she didn't stop her. It made her heart flutter, the way Emerson would giggle like an eight year old.

"Look, I probably should warn the frat house," Leighton gave Emerson an awkward smile.

"Well, I wish them luck. They're gonna need it," Emerson reached for Leighton's hand, giving it a squeeze  goodbye before setting off for her next class.

The early fall was beautiful at Essex. The trees looked like something out of a painting, the sun illuminating the leaves in hundreds of shades of autumn. Emerson had always loved fall. But, this year it hadn't done what she'd hoped.

She thought maybe the pumpkin spice lattes and spooky decorations would make her feel something again. The only thing she knew she felt was tired. She was really fucking exhausted. School was hard enough as it was, and the will-they-won't they thing with Leighton wasn't helping.

Emerson wanted Leighton- she was sure if it. But every time she felt strong enough to tell her, she couldn't. The words weren't coming out of her mouth. 

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