''The Fight.''

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Third person:
"will you marry me?."
Princess Kenny had went silent, with tears in her eyes. Staring at Feldspar, He was tearing up, hoping she'd say yes.

".., Yes!, Just yes!, I will marry you."
Feldspar had picked her up, and spun her around, they were crying happily In Each other's arms.
"I promise I'll protect you , and love you forever my dear. and it will never change. I'll do anything for you. anything in the world."
"I love you too, Craig, I really do. I hope we spend the rest of our lives together."

A few hours later he announced to the kingdom they're married. They were happy for them, until Kupa keep heard the news. He knew that Stan would be furious. Later on that day, He got a knock on his room door, Princess Kenny was in the shower so he decided to open it, It was Stan.
"what the fuck are you doing here?!.", he punched Feldspar in the face. He had thrashed him in the chest making him fall to the floor.
''What the fuck Stan?!.''
''I fucking hate you.''
''What did I ever do to you?!.''
''You stole princess Kenny from me, Now you're marrying her. Do you know how mad that fucking makes me?!.''
''Get the fuck over it!, she doesn't love you. she loves me.''
''We'll see.'', Warrior Stan got up from the floor and walked away.''
''..'', Feldspar was shocked, what did he mean by 'We'll see.' is he crazy?. He is in Craig's view.

Craig's View:
My wife had finished showering, she changed back into her dress, and when she spotted me she had pain in her eyes, 
''Oh god!, are you okay?!, you're nose is bleeding!.'' She cried out.
''Yes, I'm okay, it's just a nose bleed.''
''Go clean it up at least.''
''I will, don't worry.'',
I walked to one of the drawers and got some tissues to stop my nose bleeding. She still had a worried look on her face. I can't bare to see her looking at me like that.
''Darling, it's okay, It's not that serious.''
I went to her and hugged her. She rested her head on my chest,
''Are you okay dear?.''
''Yes, I'm just wondering how you got that nose bleed.''
I went silent, I couldn't tell her that I had a fight with Stan. So I lied..  ''Erm, I was opening a cabinet, I wasn't paying attention so it had jabbed me in the nose. ''
"Oh, well, you need to start paying attention more.''
''Yes, I will. Sorry.''
"'Don't apologize. I'm not mad okay, I just don't want to you get hurt by anything. You are too important to me.''
Those words meant everything to me. I felt my heart warming up, I hugged her tighter, placing my head into her neck.
''Oh, Darling, I love you so so much. I can't express it. My heart is full of you. Only you. My dear.''
''I love you too, Craig, I love you with all of my heart.'', I kissed her on the head and picked her up.
''I'm going to take you to a special place, alright.?''


The forbidden relationship.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora