Chapter 1

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Little Trouble, who notices this "strange looking" building, decides to notify the others.
"Uh, guys?" He said, "You might want to come here for a moment, I think I found where we could cause a bit of mayhem."
The remaining 3 rush over to the building.
Big Trouble looked a bit...confused to say the least, as he noticed that this building hasn't been looking to good the many times it's been there.
"Not trying to be rude sure this is where you want us to go into?" Big Trouble asked, "This building looks a bit... abandoned. Like, it hasn't been touched in ages and it already has moss growing from underneath it."
Squiddy and Shape Bandit both nod in agreement.
"Oh I'm sure it won't be that bad." Little Trouble stated, "After all, if it's really that old, there wouldn't be anyone guarding this place. Plus, it might not look all to bad on the inside. Well, except for a few cracks, but I'm sure about this being the place to cause trouble...and destruction maybe."
Before there could be any agreement, Shape Bandit noticed a sign hanging on one of the entrance doors.

"Before there could be any agreement, Shape Bandit noticed a sign hanging on one of the entrance doors

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"Dangerous building....keep out.." Shape Bandit read out loud, "What's this trying to tell us? Is this some kind of trespasser alert?"
"Probably" Little Trouble said, "Like some stupid little sign is going to stop us."
Little Trouble then went over the door that has the sign on it and kicked the door down without warning. This made the other door fall as well, since it was connected to the first door that just got knocked over.
The 4 decide to peek inside before making an entrance.
"For some old building, it's pretty darker than any other place that decides to shut it's lights off for the day." Squiddy adds in, "...does anyone have a flashlight?"
Big Trouble and Little Trouble didn't have one, but somehow Shape Bandit does. "Hang on, I got this."
Shape Bandit turns on the flashlight and shines the light on some spots, just to look for clues on what this building once was.
Finally, the 4 decides to walk into the building, hoping to get answers on what might have been going on before it closed it's doors for good. Looking around, they don't find much stuff. Squiddy then finds some kind of certificate that might answer the question they had in mind.
"I think I found our answer." Squiddy said, "By looking at this little certificate thingy, this building might have been some kind of art school."
"I think aI can see why" Big Trouble says while looking around the place, "There's alot of art pieces around here, there's even this huge stage right smack in the middle here."
Shape Bandit wasn't paying attention to where he was going and trips on a statue almost 3x his size.
"Hey," Shape Bandit starts "There's alot statues over here. Lots of statues. They might really indicate the building's age as, like the building, thye also seem to be cracking a bit."
"Woah, check this out!" Little Trouble pulls out what appears to be costumes hanging from some kind of clothesline, "There's a whole bunch of wacky costumes on this thing. This might have obviously been a stage for plays or musicals or stuff like that." Little Trouble pulls off one of the costumes and trys to put it on despite the costume being a bit big for his size.
"Figaro Figaro Figaro" Little Trouble terribly sings, which made Big Trouble chuckle just a tiny bit.
Shape Bandit, while looking at the mess on the stage, bumps into another statue, causing said statue to fall over and break apart.
"Oops..." Shape Bandit picks up the head from the now broken statue, "Meh... doesn't matter, it was already really old anyway"
Shape Bandit tosses the head right onto the stage, almost hitting Big Trouble in the process. The head, like rest of the statue, also breaks apart to the point where it shattered on impact.
"Can you watch where you throw that next time?" Big Trouble says to the Shape Bandit with a bit of anger in his voice, "At least it didn't get any closer or else I would've been crushed in the process!"
Little Trouble gains inspiration from the now shattered statue.
"I think I know how to start off our troublemaking deeds" Little Trouble says, while still in the oversized costume.

Team Umizoomi UmiHorror AU Part 1: Where it all beganWhere stories live. Discover now