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june 10th 2023
so my mental health hasnt always been that greaf the past couple of weeks and ive tried everything to be okay and i just cant. ive taken multiple breaks from social media ive prayed and vented to multiple people who have left me on read or just changed the subject or didn't answer and its never helped and honestly my friends think i wouldnt want to bc my sister tried to a lot a couple of years ago and it hurt me a lot so everytime i see them i cant cry or do anything and i have to be the happy smiling and laughing girl theyve always known.
i cant cry around them. and if i do then they'll call my parents and tell them something is wrong w me. and honestly im sick of crying every night and pretending everything is fine the next day and i just i dont know what to do and whenever im mad at myself for wanting to do it mh parents think "oh iys thats damn phone making her mad all the time" like no tf it isnt my phone has the only people in the world that and act keeping me here it has my online friends and friends frol other schools that act care about me and help me and listen to me but they can never truly help me w my mental health and i just u dont know what to do anymore ik i cant kms bc im not putting my little sister thru it again,
me and her alr went thru that w my older sister and it broke her and it would break my bsf and my online friends and i dont know what to do. i dont think i need to go to the hospital its not that bad yet but it might eventually.

(pre written in my notes)

vent in comments if u need im here for you

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