vent 2

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june 12th 2023
i thought i was getting better but i guess i was wrong. i wanna kms again and i had thoughts ab SH. and the thing is is that nobody knows about it except for Caiden and Jordan (from bereal) and caiden act helps me and jordan js does nun about it.
no one is there for me anymore and since its the summer i could just yk disappear and nobody would notice. people from school wouldnt bc they dont see me nd ion really talk to my friends anymore. i just wanna feel okay now. im tired of feeling this way it sucks.

june 13th 2023
i got the app "i am sober" and i also searched it up and sometimes i scratch myself on like purpose and scratching counts as sh (self harm) so ive been "sober" for 6 hours bc i started at like 12:20am last night. im prob gonna have to restart it🙂
i think its good that i got the app so i have motivation to at least try to stop sh-ing. but again no one really knows about it. i just stay in my room all day until i have to go to bed. and then i sneak my phone at night and i stay up until almost 1am scratching myself.

vent in comments if u need im here for u

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