vent 3

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June 15th 2023
it got worse but i havent hurt myself in 2 days so thats good. i almost hurt myself again last night bc my online friend Izzy hurt herself and took a bunch of medicine that she shouldn't have and she took a pencil and scratched her thighs until they bled.
i think im a bad influence on her bc i told her about me the night before and then the night after that she did it too. maybe i should stop talking to them so i don't influence them badly again. but izzy is okay now but i dont even know anymore
this is just so fucking confusing😭😭
i really wanted to hurt myself again but i remembered my promise to Caiden and Izzy and i cant let them down.

june 16th 2023
im dont with all this sh bullshit. im never doing it again. i got rid of my scissors and told my friends what happened and they werent mad.

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