Part 1

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Why you? Was all that ran through your mind as trees blurred by. 'I'm a good person, so why me?' You mentally asked yourself as dried leaves and twigs snapped and crunched under your feet. Your mind wandered back to how this all started.

Feeling confident in full makeup and glam you walked down an alleyway. For the first time in a few weeks you had managed to drag your depressed butt out of bed and into actual clothes. The lights in the alley buzzed casting a yellowish tint onto the womans self. She smiled to herself feeling like a small victory had been won tonight. Glee bubbled up in her chest as she thought back to the few drinks she had with friends at the club. Nothing could possibly ruin this night, she thought. Not a heartbeat later the woman was snatched from the alley by a large man in a black suit and chrome skull mask. She barely had time to scream as the world went black.

Sometime later she came to, in what felt like a coffin. You weren't about to go down without a fight so you began to scream and hit and kick at the wood in front of you. After a few moments you stopped and listened to the surroundings. The coffin was stood up and opened and you came out swinging. You punched a man with short black hair and what could only be described as an annoying face. A sickening crack came from his nose and he doubled over. "You fucken bitch" Preston yelled holding his now broken nose. You took the moment of confusion by your captures and booked it past them. And now you're here.

The tall man clad in a black suit topped off with a camera on his shoulder chased her relentlessly. Your only saving grace was that you were slightly faster and slightly more agile. Your lungs burned but you couldn't stop. If you stop you die. You knew that and so you kept running. He had to admit that he was a little impressed, likening you to a gazelle or deer in his mind. Not many piggies could keep pace, much less out run the large killer.

A second glimmer of hope appeared in the distance. It came in the form of a rickety old wood and rope bridge. You thought that surely a man of his stature wouldn't dare to cross a bridge that fragile looking. The chasm it covered was deep. Deep enough that a human could not survive the fall. The advantage was in your court. You were nowhere as heavy as the chrome masked man that had been chasing you for the last couple hours, or at least what felt like hours.

Your feet flew over the wooden boards only slightly slowing down. The smile that had painted itself on your face fell as the sound of the killers thudding foot steps on wooden boards reached your ears. Your feet landed on solid ground and you were going to milk that since he was still slowed down from the bridge. You could easily get a huge lead on the man.

Moments later she stopped in her tracks. The sound of a wooden board snapping and a startled grunt made you curse under your breath. 'Had he fallen all the way down.' You thought 'Wait, no' You realize there was no splat. No thud of a body against cold hard ground. After what felt like an eternity she looked behind her. There she saw one of the mans hands holding on to the crumbling dirt ledge for dear life. 'He must be able to pull himself up, why isn't he using his other hand?' You thought as you stared at the hand. 'What should I do?'

'I'm a good person'

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