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Vista whistled, impressed. "Fufu! They work well together."

If anyone had thought that the teamwork between the youngest two had been fluid, then this team-up was borderline flawless. The three brothers fell seamlessly into a pattern that they seemed to instinctively know, filling in any gaps that the other left open.

"Open a path for them!" Haruta and Thatch yelled.

"Fire Fist, Straw Hat and Bloody Gentleman, kill the three brothers!!" Marines shouted in fury.

"Lu, you have gotten stronger!" Ace praised Luffy while Sabo puffed his cheeks.

"I'll be better than you both someday, Ace! Sabo!" Luffy responded with a grin.

"What about me, you meanie!" Sabo huffed, dramatically.

"I'll be always stronger than you!" Ace grinned cheekily. "But yep! You too have gotten strong!"

"You bet!" Sabo grinned, "I can kick your ass and win this time. No draw!"

"Hey! I'm the oldest. You can't be stronger than me!!" The brothers kept on bickering as they ran forward.


"Fufu! Just let them go. That'll make things more interesting later." Doflamingo's sadistic smile widened. He loved fucking with the marines indirectly.

"Don't be ridiculous." Momonga retorted at Doflamingo. They can't let the trouble makers leave the war.

"Don't panic. They won't get any further." Akainu said with a smirk as he headed to the brothers. He can't let the spawns of devils be alive. The three brothers deserved nothing but death, which he would be personally giving them.

The marines near the crushed platform, looked at the fake executioner, Mr. 3, who was on the ground.

"What unit is this traitor from?!" A marine asked in disgust. If not for this guy, may be the war could still be won.

"No! He's an escaped prisoner!!" Another marine shouted.


On the other side of the battle, a paddle ship of the model of Moby Dick, headed forward to the battlefield, crushing many marines in its path. The ship was headed to the Marineford, by none other than Squard, the Whirlpool. He felt that fighting and giving his life in this war was the only to reprimand for what he has done to his Pops.

"Boss!! Everyone, please escape! We'll take over the battle!" Squard yelled from the ship. He was ready to die, if it meant that Ace and his Pops and his brothers could escape from here.

"Do you wanna die here?!" The pirates yelled at Squard in disbelief.

"Of course, after what I did to the boss. This isn't nearly half enough to atone for that! If I don't do this, then I'd never be able to live with myself!! Take Ace and get out of here!" Squard shouted.

"Squardo! It doesn't have to be this!" Marco yelled in desperation. The thought of losing any brother hurts a lot.

The next second, the ship got stopped with one hand of Whitebeard, shocking Squard.

"Why did the ship stop?!" Squard asked in confusion and then when he looked down, he saw his Boss, his captain, his Pops. "BOSS!!"

Whitebeard panted. "The pain of a parent burying his child... Don't you realize how hard that is, Squardo?! Don't get so full of yourself! That one slash wasn't nearly enough to take my life! Nobody lives forever..."

"We've accomplished what we came here to do." Whitebeard yelled to his men.

"Boss...!" The pirates didn't like where Whitebeard, their Pops was going on.

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