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The news was delayed for sometime to reach the other parts of the World. But after three days of the war, each and every part of the World knew who came victorious. It was the Marines. People were happy to know that justice prevailed. That three threats of the World Government were removed from the World. But in some parts of the World, people cried. Cried on the news of the death of Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy.


"Wh... What is this?" In Weatheria, the Island where Nami was sent by Kuma, exclaimed in shock, after reading the news and seeing the gruesome picture of her captain along with his brother dead.

After spending more than a week in Weatheria luxuriously, she had never thought that her captain was fighting for his and his brothers life. She wasn't expecting to read that her captain had participated in a freaking war without them. The one time her captain needed her help, she wasn't there. And now, he is dead.

She collapsed on the ground, cluthing the newspaper in death grip, with tears falling incessantly. Her body shook like a leaf in the air. Her breath became raspy and her mind fuzzy. She couldn't hear the small dwarfs speaking to her. All she was hearing were muffled voices.

"Luffy!" She exclaimed after reading the news.

She didn't care if her captain was the Son of Dragon the Revolutionary. All she cared was Luffy was Luffy.

"I... I won't believe this." She said through choked tears. "This is fake. Luffy can't be dead."

She started trembling as she tried to pick herself from the ground, but her legs refused to work.

Her savior, her captain, her friend can't be dead. He has to be alive. It must be fake. She won't believe that the words and picture were true. She is the navigator of the Strawhat Pirates and Luffy is her captain, the one who will be the King of The Pirates.

She was his navigator, yet she left him without a path to follow. She left him lost and confused... because of her incompetence he followed the wrong path and died... She will never forgive herself.

She promised to make a map of the world. She'll keep that promise with Luffy and herself in mind, if he can't reach his goal she will.


"W-What did you say?" Zoro's swords slipped off his hands, looking at Mihawk with wide eyes.

"Straw-hat Luffy and Fire Fist Ace died right before Bloody Gentleman Sabo." Mihawk answered and handed the newspaper to Zoro, who quickly grabbed and read the contents in disbelief. His sword, which he had raised to challenge the man, long forgotten on the ground.

A picture of his best friend, his captain, the one whom he had swore to defend and give his life was laying lifeless on the ground. The blood which was normally not seen on Luffy was oozing from his chest, which was blurred.

Zoro tried to say something, anything, but no sound came out. He just stared in shock at the picture. Drops and drops of water fell on the newspaper, which he was holding as if his life depended on it. He didn't even notice his warm and wet cheeks, as tears splattered on the still body of his captain.

He's weak. He's pathetic. How can be become the world's best swordsman if he can't even protect his captain? He swore to become the best swordsman for Luffy and Kuina, and now they're both dead.

His left hand found his way to his cheeks and it came wet. He was thinking and re-reading the paper when he had came to the port. The baboons had avoided him and Zoro didn't know why. If it was due to the fight which he gave them earlier or due to pity.

He doesn't show his emotions, but his friend was everything to him. He had lost another friend. He had lost another best friend and it hurts more this time.

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