The Cracks May Show

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"Evie, we need to talk," Tom said on her voice message. "It's important. Please call me."

She flipped off the phone, sat back against the headboard of her bed and closed her eyes. It wasn't that she was avoiding him, she was wary of hurting him. It was every bit equal to the amount that he kept her at arm's length, now, guarding himself from emotional destruction.

They really hadn't spoken since seeing each other at the hotel, other than one lunch out the day after. He'd told her about his mother, about the funeral the next day, but he hadn't invited her. And she understood. She hadn't even known his mother, but she'd wanted to be there for him and the fact that he didn't want her there stung, even though she wouldn't admit it.

Evie debated calling him back, right then and there, but then she looked at her alarm clock. I better shower and get ready for work, she thought, I'll just call him after. After, however, didn't happen right away. She was in the process of getting dressed when the hotel manager called her down early. There had been a medical emergency with the night attendant, whom she was replacing for the day, and they needed someone at the desk immediately. She hurried as quickly as she could, making sure to call the kitchen and order herself some breakfast to be delivered to the desk. Her phone was left on the bed and forgotten.

Tom's family was scheduled to check out that day, as well, and Evie hoped he just might be there to pick them up and take them to the airport. She'd smiled every time she saw his sister and her family, especially the baby, who was every bit as adorable as her uncle. The only time she spoke to them, though, was when they asked a question at the desk. It wasn't that she hadn't wanted to ask all sorts of questions of Mary, but Tom had asked her not to let on the nature of their relationship. Evie wasn't sure if he was embarrassed about his job, her, or both, so she laid low and acted professional.

She fidgeted at the desk all morning and, as the hour of check-out drew closer, she found herself wishing and willing that she see him, regretting that she hadn't called him back, or that she hadn't reached out to talk with him. Finally, she saw the three of them emerge from the elevator bank, Aidan toting the luggage, Mary holding the baby. Evie looked expectantly at the door, but there was no Tom. As she checked Aidan out, she asked, "Do you need a ride to the airport?" It was a standard question she asked all the guests because some expected her to call a cab or direct them to the airport shuttles.

"No, thank you," Aidan answered, "We've got a cab coming. My brother-in-law is meeting us at the airport because he's leaving with us."

Evie bit her tongue and tried not to say anything, but her heart fell when she heard those words. She held her composure long enough for Aidan to step outside with his family, but then the tears began gushing. She called one of the other clerks to relieve her and then ran up the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator, not wanting to see anyone. Her only thought was, So, that's what Tom wanted to talk to me about. She felt numb and her mind was racing as she reached her room and unlock the door. Grabbing her phone off the bed, she flipped the screen on and saw several more missed calls from Tom, along with more voicemails.

She anticipated pain as she listened to the voicemails.

Message one: "Darling, this is Tom. I've got something important I desperately need to speak with you about. I'm going to assume you didn't get my previous message. Please call me."

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