Roaring Waters Climb the Breaker's Air

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Roaring Waters Climb the Breakers' Air

To tower above unorthodox ground

Demanding a realm so fair

Ceasing boulders from earthly bounds.

The restless depths arch

Bend, strike, undoing earth

Keeping steady march

Salted shores pays its worth.

Crystal talons whip skyward

Seeking flight from its own weight

But I am its blessed steward

The horizon's very freight.

An undefined soul and form

Shackled, I billow through the bay

Clear as the sight of the storm

Rearing barred teeth: sharp, growling, grey.

Rising with me, a diamond mare stares

Decidedly opposed to our shared threat

Hooves of ice as mine own eyes, beware

Praying a final spite, we cry "relent".

And as we disobey the wind: the dry

Wild water forces a pillar to heaven

Thousands of whispers scale high

To barrage the resounding choir overhead.

On the horse's back, I ride

With no intention of forfeit

May the gale attire my gleaming hide

Should the very firmament split.

Yet, keep no forgiveness

Only reserve for me my hate

Signal fire resistance

If death be rain, charmed is fate.

A perfect clash of ice and light

Violence cascades, plunging with final prayer

Waters crash with a great quiet

Even as ocean's blanket, laying bare

            Roaring waters will climb the breakers' air.

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