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  "Watch, Celena, as I jump across this stream without falling in!" shouted Whittaker to her best friend, Celena, who stood beside Whittaker in front of a narrow stream. "I just don't think you'll make it. It's best not to take risks like that!" "Oh, Celena! It's just a narrow stream! What could possibly happen to me?" Said Whittaker excitedly. "Well, even though you may see this as a small feat, I see us getting home without our caretakers scolding us as not so small and easy of a feat. Come on, we need to get home before the sun comes up! Do you know what our caretakers will do to us if we stay out past sunrise?" asked Celena, trying to prove her point. "They'll scold us and call it a night. This has happened many times before, Celena. Believe me, I know that's what they'll do. They do it every time. Especially when we come back just after trying a new path, like this one. I know the forest like the back of my hand! Of course we'll make it back before sunrise!" "Well, the last time you made a promise like that, we made it home seven minutes after the break of dawn. We shouldn't be breaking our curfew like that! You never used to do this kind of stuff before, and I'm wondering if you've gone crazy in the head." said Celena. "And now you think I'm as crazy as Darius?" "I never brought your brother into this!" Said Celena. "Well I'd just like an explanation about life! I just don't get it anymore. I guess when I was younger I did have a sense of understanding about life, but now I feel I have almost no sense of understanding anything anymore. And most of the people at school? They refer to their parents often. Why do we have just caretakers and not parents? It seems so unfair! And our caretakers have never compared or lived up to the description of the other peoples' parents! It's like some sort of strong feeling I've never felt before! I feel like not only are these caretakers not who are supposed to be taking care of us, but that there is so much more to be learned about the world! Ugh, I just feel so many different feelings!" Whittaker cried out angrily. "Whittie, It's alright!" "Well I don't feel alright! Am I just messed up?" "No, you're not messed up. You never have been, and never will be. Now, let's think about this. Do you think this is a coming of age feeling, since you recently turned fifteen?" Asked Celena. "No, Everybody at school that has already turned fifteen never talks about having a feeling like this. I think it may have something to do with the sun. I know I sound crazy, but I don't know, we know so little about it, and I think it does more than just shine light on our moon that reflects its light. Have you ever thought about that, Celena?" Celena looked at her friend, dumbfounded. "I have never thought of such a thing. What else makes you think that it's truly the sun that makes you feel this way?" She asked, curiously. "It just feels natural. That's all I can say. And I don't think the sun influences my feelings, it's just that I feel the urge to learn more about it. My curiosity is tearing me apart! Do you ever wonder what happens after sunrise? That's why I've been staying out later than usual! And why do we try to not go out during the time after sunrise? It's so peculiar," Continued Whittaker. "Strange. So you want to learn more about the sun, right? Well, I've got just the right idea for you! How about we pay a visit to the librarian, Mr. Solon at school tomorrow night? He's the oldest Nymph in the village, and must have a book or two on the sun, or maybe even your unusual feelings in that massive library of his! After all, he is very wise. Even his name, Aldo Solon, means wise! You could even ask him a few questions, after all. I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to tell you the truth about what you're looking for, Whittie." suggested Celena. "Alright, as long as Ayla and Darius can come. They are my best friends, aside from you of course. And with Darius being my younger brother, plus the four of us knowing each other for what seems like forever, they are just as smart as we are. Well, despite being younger than us, both being fourteen years old. And we love them! I'm sure it'll ease out this mayhem at least a bit, just being with them, too." said Whittaker, with a bit of hope in her voice. But the truth was that she doubted that she would find very much, if anything at all tomorrow with her brother and friends. All of this doubt made her worry that something could be wrong with her, although she doubted that too. Everything rushing through her head made her forget about jumping across the little stream anymore. "It's just a stupid phase," she kept telling herself in her head on the walk back home. But she just couldn't let go of all those feelings and thoughts. She felt that she needed to learn something helpful soon, or else she'd likely go mad with emotion and her flooding thoughts. All she could do was wait until tomorrow night, and hopefully gather as much information as she could then. Once she and Celena got home, they parted ways in the hall and went to their bedrooms, which they shared with at least two other children of the same gender each night. "Have a good day's rest, Celena," said Whittaker to her friend as they parted. "You too, Whittie," replied Celena. And this time, Whittaker had no doubt that Celena had fully meant that.

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