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  Mr. Solon led them all to a seemingly older, more untouched portion of the library. "Not many people get to go back here," said Mr. Solon, as they went farther. They stopped in front of a dusty set of bookshelves, with contents that seemed to be not just books, but journals, too. "Most people need a pass from me to have access back here. If they even know it exists. Most requests get denied, anyway. But you guys have my select permission to use whatever you need back here. It will have everything you would like to know about the sun, and the...circumstances you were born under. I'll stay here and guide you, as you may need it. This will be a lot to take in," he explained, as they all went and sat in dusty wooden hand-carved stools sitting by the shelves. He then proceeded to explain, "When each of you were born, you were either born under Solar or Lunar parents," Whittaker knew what solar and lunar meant. She didn't know they could also describe people, though. "What do you mean by Solar and Lunar parents?" She asked. Mr. Solon took a deep breath as he began explaining, "So long ago, there was a petty dispute between some fellow Nymphs over what time was best to be born at. The reason for this was because the disputes turned into arguments and those arguments turned into fights. Some were very dangerous, and others were not. Because of this, the world was divided in two to prevent such arguments. The Nymphs that were born under Lunar times would live in a half of the world called a Side. These Nymphs very well may have been your ancestors, but not your parents. Your ancestors likely lived with other Lunar Nymphs and thrived at nighttime. There are two sides, see, as we only thrive on half the Earth. The leaders of the world decided to split the world into two halves where each side could thrive peacefully. The Sides at one point did have leaders, which were the leaders of the world that were born under certain times. Now, those leaders are dead, so the Sides don't have any leaders. They haven't had leaders in hundreds upon hundreds of years. I'd say it might have been very well near a thousand years by now! There was a group, though, of people who wanted to make the world even again. Almost no one thought the way they did. There should be something about them here somewhere. Nobody truly knows where the border between the Solar and Lunar societies are, but they say if you venture for the border, you'll know you have reached it when you see some Solar people. You can tell It's them because they supposedly have different styles and types of clothes to adjust to the constant sunlight. Now, since you all live in a home with other children, that means all you guys' parents are Solar. You may have some Solar siblings born before or after you, but you may never know. At your birth, you were taken to the Lunar side, and have lived here ever since then. No child spends more than a week on the opposing Side, their birthplace. Whittie and Darius, you may not even be blood siblings. But please, try not to alter anything in your relationship just because of that chance." Whittaker's eyes filled with tears. Had she really been calling someone her brother though they may not have even been blood related? She knew it would never matter. She still looked at her brother the same. It just hurt her, somehow. Her eyes stung so bad. But she kept herself together and blinked them away. She looked over to Darius, who looked too shocked to speak. "You may want to try and look for a book about the group of philosophers, there should be something in here," Mr. Solon continued. Whittaker stood up and took a look at the books and journals within the shelf. Some of the contents looked to be several centuries old, judging by the rugged look and the fact that everything had been handmade and printed with great detail and care. The way the titles were written on the spine, and the handwriting too. It all seemed to add up to the fact that these precious notes were all old, and appeared to even be sacred. Whittaker carefully caressed the spine of an old notebook with a symbol she'd only seen once before. It was an eclipse. She knew what eclipses were. She and her friends were at an age that they were now considered old enough to learn about the sun, but almost never the sun and moon being intertwined. The talk of the sun itself had always been a delicate subject for the Lunar people, which is why Lunar children had to be at a certain age to learn about it. The rivalry between the two Sides had never been discussed in a class about the sun, let alone that one class session that included the basics of an eclipse occurring. Whittaker's teacher had even gone to an extent to draw an eclipse symbol on the board, leading to Whittaker remembering it. Now, she then gently pulled the dusty notebook out from the shelf. She stared at the cover for a moment and then sat down. The cover read, 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘴𝘦'𝘴 A𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥; 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳: 𝘉𝘺 𝘖𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘈𝘢𝘯𝘨

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